“Ew.” Kendrix giggles.

I kiss her all over her face, making her laugh even harder. “I have to pee. Mr.— Daddy, I have to pee.” She laughs and I relent, letting her off my lap as she rushes down the hall.

Delaney, much like our daughter did earlier, cradles my cheeks in the palms of her hands. However, I speak before she has the chance to. “I love you.” More tears well in her eyes. She doesn’t say it back, and that’s okay. She needs time, and I get that. I’ll give her all the time she needs.

Kendrix comes racing into the room and hops back up on my lap. I have both my girls right where they belong. I feel as though it’s the first time I’ve taken a full, even breath since the night I ghosted her. Never again. Not a day will pass that Delaney won’t know what she means to me. Either of them.* * *An hour later, our bellies are full and my kitchen is a mess. Kendrix had a blast making spaghetti. We used box noodles and jar sauce, so I’m not sure how we were so messy, but the memory we made, that’s worth all the messes.


“Daddy.” She grins.

“How would you like to meet your grandma and grandpa? My mommy and daddy.”

“Yay!” She cheers and I don’t know if she really understands, but her enthusiasm tells me she will embrace them just as she has me. This little human is resilient and has so much love to give.


“Have you told them yet?”

“No, but I was going to go call them. I thought we could swing by their place and maybe stop and get some ice cream on the way home.”

“It’s freezing outside.”

“It’s never too cold for ice cream.”

“Yeah, Momma, it’s never too cold,” Kendrix agrees.

“I’m always going to be outnumbered with you two, aren’t I?” Delaney laughs.

“Maybe the next one will be a boy and he can be on your side.”

Her eyes widen before she shakes her head and smiles. “Go make your phone call, crazy man.”

I toss a wink in her direction and rush to my bedroom to call my parents. I don’t want to have this call in front of Kendrix.

“My son, it’s been too long since I’ve seen you,” my mom greets me.

“Hey, Mom.”

“What’s a mother got to do to get her only son to come and visit her?” There’s humor in her voice.

“Funny you should mention that. Is Dad around?”

“He’s sitting right here.”

“Can you put the phone on speaker?”

“Kenton.” Dad’s deep baritone comes across the line.

“You’re both sitting down, right?”

“We are. Are you in trouble?” my mom asks.

“No. However, I do have a story to tell you, and you’re going to want to be sitting for this one.”

“We’re ready, son,” Dad tells me.

With a deep breath in and a slow exhale, I begin the story. I start at the beginning, telling them how I met Delaney. How I kept her all for me, but there was no one I wanted more. I don’t hold anything back as I spill the details of our situation.

“That poor girl,” Mom comments once I’m finished.

“She’s the one you used to bring to the back meadow?” Dad asks, throwing me off.

“How did you know about that?”

He chuckles. “Don’t you know Dad knows everything? You’ll learn with the little one of yours.”

Just like that, easy and absolute acceptance of my daughter and her mother in my life. “Yes, she’s the one.” Those words have a double meaning. She’s the girl I would bring to the meadow, but she’s now the woman I plan to spend the rest of my life with.

“When do we get to meet them?” Mom inquires.

“Well, they’re here with me. We just finished dinner. I thought we could stop by? Let you meet them.”

“Yes,” they say at the same time.

“Okay.” I chuckle. “I’ll load up my girls and we’ll head over.”

“Oh, Kenton,” Mom cries.

“They’re amazing, Mom.” I can feel myself starting to get choked up again.

“Well, what are you doing gabbing? Hang up, get them, and bring them to me.”

Dad and I both laugh this time. “We’ll see you soon.”

“You ladies ready to go?” I ask once I’m back in the living room.

“You tooked a long time,” Kendrix says.

“I’m sorry, princess. I had to tell them all about you.”

“Will they like me?”

“Come here.” I lift her into my arms. “They already love you so very much. You have nothing to worry about.”

“Okay, I’m ready.”

“Will she always be this agreeable?” I ask Delaney. “I have a feeling we’ll need to remember these days for the teenage years.” This moment is surreal. I still can’t believe I’m a father. That this little girl is my responsibility.

“Doubtful. She is a girl with her own mind.”

“Stubborn like her momma.”

“Yeah, if only I had my mind.”

“Hey.” I pull her in close, and now both of them are in my arms where they belong. “You’re still you. You might be missing a few years, but that doesn’t change who you are.”