Cold fingers wrapped along her spine. How the hell had they been able to find the evidence to pin this on her? She’d been more than careful. Did they know she’d done the job? Even worse, how had they discovered her retirement plans? She hadn’t told anyone about them, not even Boyd.

“So, what I’m hearing is I can either be your pet thief, or I can learn to enjoy the benefits of prison food for the rest of my life. Doesn’t sound like much of a choice to me.”

“We need you, Renna. You’re the only person who can pull this off. Your past just provides an appropriate amount of leverage to make sure you have proper incentive.”

She arched an eyebrow. “And no hint of what I’m getting into before I agree? I can think of several instances where execution might be better than helping you.”

Dallas stopped pacing and turned to face her. “If we succeed, I can assure you, you’ll be set for life. Help us, Miss Carrizal.”

“Renna,” she said automatically. Her mind whirled. If she agreed now, maybe they’d let her out of this little compound to get the job done. And once she was out… She might not have enough money to retire the way she’d planned, but she could definitely disappear. Especially with the little security blanket on the chain around her neck.

“Fine. I’ll help you. I don’t really have a choice.” She glared at him. “But don’t think I’m happy about this.” Wouldn’t do to give in too easily. Dallas might get suspicious.

He grinned. “Good answer.” He pressed the receiver in his ear. “Bring the papers, Captain Finn, Miss Carrizal has agreed to help us.” Dallas sank into the chair he’d recently vacated, his shoulders relaxed and loose for the first time since she’d met him. “Now that that’s settled, we can get down to business.”

She shook her head. “No business on an empty stomach. I need food first or you’re going to find yourself with one grumpy thief on your hands. And you really don’t want that.”

Dallas pressed the receiver again. “Finn, bring lunch as well.”

“I’d like to introduce you to the rest of the MYTH team,” Dallas said as he led her down another long corridor. “You’ve met Captain Finn already.”

“Yeah, what’s his story?” Renna patted at her hair, then dropped her hand. What the hell was she doing?

Dallas tilted his head. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Having me on this team seems to be irritating that stick up his ass. If looks could kill—”

“Captain Finn has been a key member of MYTH for more than six years. He’s led several successful, high-priority missions and has earned our respect. I was the one who recruited him.”

“From where?” She kept her voice light as she slanted him a glance.

“I’m sure if Finn wants to tell you about his past, he will. All you need to know is he’s the commanding officer in charge of this mission, and you would do well to find a way to work with him.” Dallas frowned as he halted in front of a door. “Here we are. The team has sparring practice every day at this time. I thought it would be a good idea for them to get a sense of what you can do. Actions speak louder than words.”

“You’re making me perform? I’m not a f**king monkey.”

“It’s nothing like that,” Dallas said, holding up his hands. “I just think it will help the team accept you more easily. Working with someone…like you…is in direct conflict to what most of them have spent their lives doing.”

“Stopping ruthless thieves and mercenaries from ruining your carefully ordered galaxy?”

Dallas ignored her sarcasm and pushed open the door to a large, square space. Weight machines lined the walls, and a circular sparring ring had been set up in the center. Two men were currently fighting there, fists and feet flying as they attacked each other.

“Attention on deck!” someone shouted. Immediately all movement stopped and everyone stood at attention, their hands snapping up in a salute.

“At ease,” Dallas said, striding into the room. “I’d like to introduce you to Renna Carrizal, the last member of the team.”

All eyes focused on her, and Renna jutted her chin out.

“Renna, you’ve already met Captain Finn.” Dallas gestured toward one of the weight machines where Finn stood. The captain was careful not to meet her gaze, his eyes staring over her head.

Beside Finn stood a tall, elegant woman with pale violet skin and silver hair pulled into a bun. Renna recognized her as a Delfine from the Preill system. “This is Staff Lieutenant Keva Li, our XO.” The woman stood up straighter and puffed out her chest. Renna didn’t think it was entirely due to pride. She did have a nice rack. Renna would have puffed them out, too.

Dallas turned to the massive man across the room who’d been bench-pressing his weights. His pasty skin was slick with sweat, but he stood at ease like the rest of the team. “This is Corporal Lynwood Bokal, our tech chief.”

The man nodded at her. His light gray eyes were bright and intelligent, and he smiled at her with interest.

The two men standing in the sparring ring were the stiff, military types she’d expected. Major Dallas introduced them as Sergeant Doyle and Sergeant Santos. The final person in the room was a mousy woman with dark skin and black hair scraped back from a wide forehead. Her eyes never seemed to linger more than a second in one spot. She stood in front of a punching bag, but her hands hung limply at her sides. Hard to tell if the woman even knew how to use it.

“And this is Staff Sergeant Leslei Gheewala.”

Renna noticed he didn’t explain her purpose. Very interesting.

“Team, Renna is in charge of getting you in and out of the facility on Banos Prime. Your lives will depend on her skills.”

They were too well trained to show their dismay, but Renna could feel it in the way they glanced at each other. She wondered how much Dallas had told them. How much they’d figured out themselves.

She squared her shoulders. Whatever they thought, they were damn lucky to have her. Might as well start off on the right foot. “Glad to meet you. I’m sure there are all sorts of rumors flying around about me, but here’s the truth: I’m the youngest, most sought-after merc in the traverse. I’ve got more than ten years of experience in the field, and I can kill a man at ten yards with nothing more than my nanospanner. I suggest you stay on my good side.” She grinned at the serious faces watching her. The only one who smiled back was Bokal.