“What is it?” Viktis asked.

“As I see it, we have two goals. We need to figure out who’s leading the MYTH splinter cell. We also need to keep Myka safe and out of this person’s hands. The Athena is the best ship in this sector, and you have Sargent Gheewala who can alert you to anyone following.” She paused, took a deep breath. “I think the ship and crew should turn rogue. Hide out somewhere in the galaxy until we can figure out what’s going on.”

Finn blinked once and opened his mouth, but closed it before saying anything.

Viktis leaned back in his chair and slowly nodded. “I could make that work. I know how to stay ahead of the authorities, and I have contacts on most of the merc worlds. Not that I’m agreeing to help or anything,” he added with a glare at Finn.

Finn shook his head. “Running from MYTH? Do you know how impossible that is?”

Renna watched him. Willed him not to fight her on this. “Not if you change the ship’s signature and let Viktis help. It would keep you all safe. Keep Myka safe. Just until we know how to stop whoever is behind this.”

His eyes met hers, and the expression in them felt like a knife twisting between her ribs. “You’re asking me to be a traitor, Renna. To go back to that life.”

She forced the words to her lips. “I know. And you know I would never ask unless it was the only way out. Really, you’re acting in MYTH’s best interest. They just won’t know it at first.” She smiled reassuringly, trying to hide her fear.

Finn arched an eyebrow. “What is it you’re not telling me? What are you going to do?”

Heat flooded her face. She should have known Finn would catch her lie of omission. When she was younger, he’d always been able to tell when she’d purposefully left out things. Evidently he hadn’t lost that skill either.

She looked down at the table. “I’m not going with you.”

Both men shot to their feet. “What?!”

“Sit down and let me explain.” She folded her hands on the table, trying to seem calm and composed. Inside, her mind raced as she fought for control. “I’m going after Larson. He’s our only lead to the real traitor. MYTH has a main headquarters, right?”

Finn nodded. “It’s on Newton Alpha.”

“That’s where Pallas is then. He went to a lot of trouble to build this hybrid army. I can’t imagine he’ll give up now. Which means he’ll come after you or send Larson.” She traced a finger across a scratch in the plastic table. “My guess is that a f**kup this big will trigger an internal investigation. His only choice will be to pretend that he’s working on going after whoever did this. Either he’ll pin it on Larson or he’ll use the major to smoke you out to get Myka’s tech. But what if the only other tech left from the facility is already in his hands?”

“Renna. I can’t let you…”

She held up her hand. “Listen, Finn. Something is happening to me, and I don’t know how to fix it or what’s going to happen. Offering myself up as a test subject is the best way to infiltrate MYTH HQ. Once I’m there, I’ll have the chance to look for whoever is behind this. And maybe stop him.”

“No. Absolutely not.” Finn waved his arm in a sweeping motion. “I am not letting you put yourself in danger.”

She felt a surge of anger but pushed it away and kept her voice calm and reasonable. “You’re not letting me do anything. And trust me, if there was any other way, I would be all for it. This way I can keep an eye on Larson. See who he interacts with. Maybe by me being there, it will take some of the pressure off finding the kid and you guys. Maybe it’ll keep you safe.”

Maybe they’d be able to find a way to save her.

Viktis didn’t say anything. He just arched an eyebrow ridge and shook his head.

Finn paced the room. “But what if they find out you’re a spy? What if you get sick?”

“Then Myka is still safe with you. He and his uncle can disappear on some remote world and live happily ever after.”

He turned to glare at her. “And what about me?”

“If worse comes to worst, you can come back to MYTH. Tell them Viktis abducted you. That you had no choice. You’re a pirate. I’m pretty sure you can take care of yourself. The pirate I used to know can take care of himself.”

Viktis smiled wryly. “Your concern for me is touching.”

“You know it’s a compliment. You’re more than capable of staying out of MYTH’s way.” She got to her feet. “When we land at Aldani’s lab, we’ll have a short time for him to check on the kid, grab some of his stuff, and then you need to leave like you’ve kidnapped him.”

“You’re staying behind?” Finn asked through thinned lips.

She nodded. “I’ll call for help. Tell them I managed to escape. It’s the only way,” she added as Finn’s face darkened.

“I don’t like it.”

“I don’t either, but do you have another idea?”

He growled and started pacing again.

Renna turned to Viktis. “I know we haven’t had the best relationship, but if you do this, I’ll owe you. And you know I always fulfill my promises.”

He shrugged. “My crew’s dead, my ship’s destroyed, and I don’t have any jobs lined up. I’ll help out.” He got that calculating expression she knew far too well. “As long as you give me that little security deposit around your neck.”

Her hand crept up and clutched the sapphire. Retirement was looking even further away than when she’d started this mission. And if it would keep Finn and Myka safe, she’d give up more than this. She yanked at the chain, and it snapped, burning the skin on the back of her neck.

She handed it over. “Deal.”

Finn frowned. “Renna.”

“What? It’s mine to do with what I want.” She shrugged. “It’s a small price to pay.”

“There’s one more part of this deal, love,” Viktis said, slipping the stone into his pocket. “When it’s all over and we’re safe, you have to tell me the story behind stealing this.”

Renna shook her head. “Some things are better left untold, Viktis.”

Keva’s voice sounded from the intercom. “Renna, we’ve landed at the labs. Aldani’s on his way.”

Thank gods for small favors.

“Good. Finn, prep him as fast as you can. I’m going to get my stuff.”