Dallas cleared his throat. “Miss Carrizal has exceptional skills. I trust you’ll all treat her with courtesy while she’s on your ship.”

The others exchanged more furtive glances before nodding. She didn’t care. She wasn’t here to make friends; she was here to get a job done. The sooner they all realized that, the better.

“I thought Renna could practice with a few of you. To help her get used to how MYTH trains their officers.” Dallas waved at the sparring ring. “Any volunteers?”

She swiveled her head to look at Finn. Seeing him in action would give her an answer once and for all. Was he her Hunter? Or just a familiar-looking stranger?

Before she could suggest him as a partner, the Delfine stepped forward. “I’ll be happy to fight her, Major.” Keva’s silver eyes narrowed, and Renna forced a smile.

Gods, she hated working with other women. They were always so catty and competitive. Always so ready to stab you in the back if it meant getting ahead. And this one was even more dangerous since she’d been well trained and was in a position of power. Never a good combination.

Even worse, she was military. Keva probably hated her on principle.

Renna shrugged out of her coat and tugged off her heavy boots. Knocking out the woman’s teeth with a misplaced kick wouldn’t exactly win her any favors with the crew.

Across the room, Finn watched her, and when their eyes met, his lips twisted upward. On anyone else it might have been a smile, but the cold hatred on his face turned the expression feral. She swallowed thickly.

“Are you ready, Miss Carrizal?” the lieutenant asked in her slightly lilting voice.

Renna snapped her attention back to the sparring ring. The Delfine might look willowy and vulnerable, but Renna knew better. She’d fought with a Delfine on her first job. The woman had had balls of steel and had killed a man with her bare hands when he’d caught her stealing. She’d never stopped smiling.

Renna took her spot in the ring and rolled her shoulders a few times, working out the kinks. The other members of the crew circled the space, and she tried to ignore the heavy silence. She much preferred the shouting and chaos of a bar fight, but if this is what it took to prove herself…

Keva launched herself at Renna without warning. The alien’s fist connected with Renna’s jaw, and her head snapped back. Stars exploded across her vision. One of the bystanders sucked in a breath, shockingly loud in the silent room.

Renna glared at the woman as her jaw throbbed. So that’s how it was going to be?

Ears still ringing, Renna attacked.

Her fists flew, and her body bent and flowed around Keva’s punches. The woman had been trained well, and she moved lithely, almost like a bird. But Renna had learned her skills in the tenements, and the last thing she was worried about was form or looking pretty.

She was in it to win.

Renna ducked beneath a punch and swung her leg, catching Keva in the gut. The woman grunted and doubled over. Renna followed with an uppercut to the woman’s jaw. Before she could strike, the alien grabbed her wrist and flipped Renna around, pinning her arm behind her back.

Her shoulder muscles screamed as Keva pulled harder. Sweat streaked down Renna’s face and stung her eyes. Across the ring, Finn smirked.

Screw this.

Renna went slack. The unexpected shift of weight pushed Keva off-balance. Renna twisted out of the woman’s grip and launched herself at Keva’s midsection. They tumbled to the mat, twisting and punching and grunting. Sweat streaked down Renna’s back until her shirt was soaked, but she didn’t let up.

Keva’s silver eyes glowed with rage as she tried to buck away from Renna’s grip. But with one more flip, Renna had the woman on her back and her forearm pressed against Keva’s throat. The thrill of victory started to build deep in her core.

The women stared at each other for a long moment, both panting. Both furious.

And then the Delfine scissored her legs around Renna’s waist, twisting just enough to throw Renna off. They sprang apart, both back to defensive stances as they circled each other. They flew at each other twice more, hitting and striking out, both times breaking away before one or the other could get the upper hand. Renna’s lunch churned heavily in her stomach. There was no way she was going to beat this woman.

The thought sobered her racing heart. But that also meant there was no way Keva would beat her. They were at a draw.

Dallas seemed to realize it at the same moment. He stepped into the ring with a wide smile. “That’s enough. Thank you both for that display. You are worthy competitors.”

Renna sucked in a lungful of air and smiled at Keva, holding out a hand to the woman. But Keva turned her back on Renna to grab the towel Finn held out for her.

Nice to see the crew was going to give her a fair chance after all.

“Quite a show,” Dallas said, clapping Renna on the back. “I didn’t know you’d been trained in Bumai.”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” She used her sleeve to wipe the sweat from her face, shuddering as her clammy shirt clung to her back. “If you’re going to blackmail me into helping, are you at least going to let me go home and grab some clothes?” She nodded toward the silky black garb most of them were dressed in. “Or even better, do I get a fancy ninja suit, too?”

Keva spun around, eyes flashing. “We’re not ninjas. This is state-of-the-art armor fabric—light and moveable, but able to stop a bullet. We wear it on special jobs. It’s not something you’ll ever get to wear.” The threat in her voice hung unspoken in the air between them.

Dallas cleared his throat. “Gheewala, take our newest member to the locker rooms and get her showered and geared up. I’ll meet you all in an hour to debrief Renna on the rest of the mission. Dismissed.”

Everyone in the room snapped to attention and saluted.

Captain Finn stepped forward. “Sir, I need to head to the armory and recalibrate my assault rifle. I can take Miss Carrizal. It’s on my way.”

Renna’s lips twitched. Good. The sooner she was alone with this man, the better. Unfortunately, it wasn’t for the usual lusty reasons. She needed answers from him. Now.

Dallas nodded as he left. “Very good, Captain. I’ll leave her in your capable hands.”

“Let’s go.” Finn didn’t even look to see if she was following as she snatched up her pack and coat and hurried out of the room after him.

She studied him from beneath her lashes as they walked. Stubble shadowed his strong jaw, and his black armor accented the muscles of his chest. If it really was him, Hunter had sure grown up.