“Let’s see. Hang out at a sweaty gym all day or hang out with two women who are a joy to be around and this little guy.” She taps Milo on the nose with her index finger, and he grins, kicking his arms and legs where he sits on the kitchen table, all strapped into his car seat.

“I didn’t tell them, but we need to. It’s not fair to them to not know what’s going on.”

“Okay.” My face must show my shocked expression. She continues, “What? It’s nice to not have to keep it in, to have to hide it. Besides, I already told you if I have to leave to keep you all safe, I will. I agree that they need to know and to be alert. They need to be aware of their surroundings. I hate that I brought this to you and your family. It wouldn’t be fair of me to keep it from them at this point.”

My chest constricts at the thought of her leaving us. “We said no more leaving talk,” I remind her.

“We did.” She’s quick to agree. “You know my position.” She pretends to be zipping up her lips. “My lips are sealed on the topic from here on out, but I won’t stand by and let you all be in danger.”

“We’re already in this, Hollis. If they know where you are, they know who we are. We’re facing this together. There is no other option.” I give her a pointed look. “Right?”

She sighs. “Right. I hate this, Colt. I hate worrying all the time. I just want to… enjoy life with you and whatever that looks like.”

“That looks like forever.” I pull her into me and kiss her. Milo lets out a squeal. “I know, son, I know,” I tell him, making Hollis laugh. “Text me when you get to Mom’s.” I lean in for another kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I help her carry Milo out to her car and get his seat strapped in and watch them leave. Jogging back into the house, I grab my bag and lock up, heading to All Fit. I call Chase on the way.

“What’s up? Am I not going to see you in like ten minutes?” he asks.

“You are. Is Harrison coming in today too?”

“Yeah, we’re both here.”

“Good. I need to talk to both of you before we get started.”

“What’s going on?”

“I’ll explain when I get there.”

“Milo?” he asks.

“Is perfectly fine. He’s with Hollis heading to Mom and Dad’s.”

“All right, bro. I’ll see you when you get here.”

Eleven minutes later, I’m walking into the back door at All Fit. I head straight to the office that Harrison and Chase share. They both stare at me expectantly, waiting to hear what I have to say.

“There’s something I need to tell you.” I go on to tell them about Hollis. I explain the events of that night just as she had to me. Chase and Harrison sit quietly and listen, but I can tell from the expressions on their faces they are just as concerned as I am. “So, yeah,” I say when I’m finished. “That’s what’s been going on.”

“So, there have been no actual threats?” Harrison clarifies.

“No. Just messages through her website saying he found her, and he’s coming for her, those kinds of things. No physical threats of harm. Not yet.”

“Fucking dirty cop,” Chase mutters.

“I made a call to my old command sergeant. I had to leave him a message. They’re out in field training until Monday.”

“You called in the Army?” Harrison asks, eyes wide.

“Damn right, I did. I gave years of my life to this country, and if my family is in trouble, I’m calling in the best.”

“Can you do that?” Harrison asks, surprised.

“I don’t know,” I admit. I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. “I don’t know if they can help, but maybe they can give me the contact of a person we know we can trust that can. Honestly, I’m reaching, and I know it. It’s the best I can do. The local police won’t do anything. There is no imminent threat, and the incident in question happened states away. There is really nothing to go on unless she goes back.”

“She might have to, Colt. How else are we going to lure this guy out?”

“Fuck, I don’t know. I don’t know. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure this out, and I’m coming up empty.”

“Our wives and kids?” Harrison asks.

“Safe. Just be on alert. Check the doors at night, all those things.” I stop and take a deep breath. “Look, if this is too much, I can step away from the gym for a while. I don’t want to bring this asshole down on you and your families, but Hollis, she’s my family now. I protect those I love.”