We pull into the lot easily, the piled remnants of last week’s big snowfall turned an ugly shade of brown. It’s a bit reminiscent of my mood. What once was white and bright is now dull and drab. A little sludge mixed in too.

Colton parks his truck in the back and only lets go of my hand when he has to turn off the ignition. We sit in the quiet, the only sound Milo’s even breathing and a thousand thoughts and unsaid words. I can feel his eyes on me, and while I’d much rather hide my head in the sand, it’s what got me into this mess in the first place.

Slowly, I turn and face the man I find myself falling for a little more every day. There’s a mix of emotions swept up in those blue eyes. Hurt. Fear. Resolve. And maybe even a little of that love I find myself experiencing. It’s the same look he gave me last night when he was sinking inside me, the muscles in his neck tight with tension and the lines around his eyes soft. It’s the same look he probably sees in my own eyes after he kisses me goodnight.

Something he may never do again after we talk.

It’s like he knows I’m on the verge of losing it. Colton leans over and takes my cheek in his big hand. He leans forward and places his lips gently against mine. The kiss is soft, yet full of meaning. He’s letting me know he’s beside me, ready to figure this out. That he’s not letting me go.

At least not yet.

“Come on, I have a few things to set up for the class,” he says, sliding his full lips along mine one final time before he slips out of the driver’s seat. His first stop is to release the latch on Milo’s car seat. He throws the blanket over the top of the handle to protect him from the elements, and before I can even shut the passenger door, he’s there, taking my hand in his and leading me to the gym.

Inside, the music is pumping, and the echo of weights clanking fills the hallway. We used the back entrance so we can slip inside the room Harrison designated for the kids. It’s warm and bright, the lights already turned on in a welcome fashion. Colton sets the car seat down and pulls off the blanket. We’re greeted with a smiley, toothless Milo, who seems to have enjoyed his catnap. He instantly starts to babble, and even grins ear to ear the moment his dad unhooks the buckles and picks him up.

“Hey, little buddy, I’m going to work for a couple hours. You’re going to play in here with Hollis.” Milo’s eyes instantly turn to me as if he knew exactly what his dad was saying. In fact, he reaches for me at that moment, and I swear my heart is going to leap from my chest. It’s a mixture of elation and love for the little guy, and as I snuggle his little body into my chest, more tears fill my eyes.

Colton pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead. “We’ll figure this out, Hollis. I promise,” he whispers. He kisses my lips once more before bending down and kissing Milo’s forehead. “I’ll be in the large matted room if you need me, or Gabby and Chase are floating around here, okay?”

I nod, unable to form words. Colton hesitates, but it doesn’t really seem like it’s because he’s leaving me with his son. It has more of a protective way about it, as if he doesn’t want to leave me, period.

When the door closes, I glance around and take in the room. It’s exactly as Colton said, and exactly as I’d expect from a man like Harrison Drake. I can’t imagine too many guys have an office set up for the owner’s kids, but this one does, and it says a lot about the guy who runs this place. A lot about Chase and Colton too.

I pull an activity mat from the shelf and set it out on the floor. The moment I lay Milo down, he starts kicking and reaching for the animals that dangle. Each one makes a noise, which seems to keep him entertained, at least for now. I take a seat on the floor next to him. Sure, I could sit on the couch, but I’d rather be close to him. I’m not exactly sure how this talk is going to go tonight, so I’d rather soak up as much of his sweet smiles and scents while I can.

Just in case.

I spend the afternoon playing with the baby. We have a quick snack and diaper change, and he goes right back to playing. He’s currently sitting in a Bumpo seat, trying to eat a cold teether, his little gums gnawing on the plastic as if it were his job. It seems to bring him a little relief, though, so I don’t care. Even if his shirt is completely soaked with slobber. I’d gladly change his outfit four more times if it meant he was happy and content.