He grumbles but finally agrees. “All right. But you know what we could do?”


“Ditch these two tagalongs and go celebrate up in the loft,” he states, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“Gross,” Gabby says, keeping her eyes on the lake.

A bubble of laughter erupts from my chest. “I have an idea.”

“Does it involve getting naked?”

“No, but maybe while Milo’s sleeping, we can sneak away, and you can take me fishing.”

His eyes light up. “Yeah?” Colton has been talking about taking me fishing for weeks, but we just haven’t found the right circumstances, with Gabby and Chase having Ella, but now, I’m hoping we can sneak away for an hour.

“You guys go. I’m going to go inside and steal an hour or two of sleep, while Chase and Ella nap too. We’ll listen for Milo.”

“Thank you,” I tell my sister-in-law as she gives me a hug before slipping inside.

“Ready?” he asks, extending his hand.

I place mine inside his as I agree, “Ready for fishing.”

Colton wiggles his eyebrows once more. “Naked fishing.”* * *ColtonWe’re having a baby. My face hurts from smiling. My incredible, sexy as hell, kind and loving wife is pregnant. I don’t know if anything will ever top the emotions coursing through me at this moment.

Love. I’m so in love with her. I’m not sure where she ends and I begin.

Happy. I’m not even sure happy says it. Elated is more like it. We’re growing and building our family, and nothing is more important to me.

Content. I’ve never felt this feeling of calm that surrounds me. I know that adding a baby to our trio will change up our routine, and life will be busier and a little more hectic, but the sense of contentment that we’re in this together, doing life together, nothing can take that away.

“Are we going to fish, or are you just going to stand there holding your pole wearing a goofy grin?” my wife teases me.

“Actually, I was hoping you could hold my pole,” I say, wagging my eyebrows.

“And that is how this little one got here,” she says, rubbing her still flat belly.

Dropping my pole to the ground, I place one arm around her waist and one hand on her belly. “We made that,” I whisper.

“We did,” she says with a happy sigh.

“Do you feel okay?”

“Yeah, a little nauseated in the mornings, which is what prompted me to take a test.”

“Milo and I are going to take good care of you. Both of you.” I lean down and place a kiss over her belly.

“You and Milo, huh?” she asks, smiling.

“Of course, we are the men of the house.”

“Lord, help me if we have another boy.” She chuckles.

“I want a little girl. One who looks just like her momma.” I take her lips with mine, needing to taste her.

“I don’t care what we have,” she says when I finally pull away for air. “As long as she or he is healthy, that’s more than I could ask for.”

“Well, if it’s a boy, we have to try again.”

“Oh, really? How many little Callahans do you plan on having?” she inquires.

“As many as you’ll give me.” It’s true. I know I’m new at this dad gig, but so far, there is nothing in my life that has ever been better, other than loving Hollis.

“How about we get this little one brought into the world, and we can talk about it.”

I nod. “You know, we’re going to need a bigger house.”

“Why? We have three bedrooms now.”

“I know, and it will work for a while, but when baby number three comes along, we’re going to need to upgrade,” I say, already thinking about a house with a huge backyard for the kids to run and play.

“I thought we just agreed to get this little one here, and we would go from there.”

“I’m an optimist.” I shrug, making her laugh. My lips trail down her neck, and she tilts her head to the side, giving me full access to her.

“F-Fishing,” she murmurs.

“Yeah, I love fishing with you,” I say, my lips pressed against her ear.

“I do want to learn one day. I’d like to be able to take Milo and have an idea of what I’m doing.”

“Does that have to be today? He’s still a little young to know that Mommy doesn’t know how to fish. Besides, we need more time, and we should head back soon.”

“Yeah,” she breathes as my hand slides from her waist to her ass. “Colt,” she mumbles. “Not here. Anyone could see us.”

“It’s just us, baby,” I assure her. “We need to celebrate.”

“Tonight.” She manages to pull away from my lips and step out of my hold. “Once we get Milo in bed, we can celebrate tonight.” She nods toward my hard cock that was just rubbing up against her.

“Deal.” I concede. Even though there is no one out here right now, that doesn’t mean that someone might not walk up on us. The idea of someone seeing her, watching her come undone, it makes me twitchy. That’s for my eyes only. The diamond and gold bands on her left hand say it’s so.