“Mom swears it’s different,” Chase tells me. “I called her out on it, not because I’m mad but to just give them shit. She says that when it’s your grandkids, you get to spoil them and send them home. She claims that’s her job.”

“Well, you already know with this little guy that their spoiling game is on point. Get ready.” I chuckle.

“We’re ready, aren’t we, Ella?” he asks his sleeping daughter. “I never thought this would be our lives, Colt.”

“Yeah,” I agree, glancing down at my son.

“We did good, brother. We did real good.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” I’ve learned over the years, especially the last year, that life is what you make it. You bring the good, and you work through the bad. I’m well aware of the blessings I’ve been given in my son and my wife. Both of which, I plan to thank God for every day.* * *Hollis“You going to tell him?”

I glance up at my sister-in-law. She has one of those cat-that-ate-the-canary smiles. “What?” I ask, faking confusion, but I can tell she sees right through me.

She points down. “At the bun in the oven that no one seems to know about yet.”

All I can do is gape at Gabby, who seems very proud of herself right now. “How did you— I mean, wow.”

Gabby laughs and stretches her legs out in front of her. She’s wearing a super cute tank top and shorts, probably the same ones she wore before she was pregnant. In fact, you can barely tell she recently had a baby. I only hope I have that kind of luck with my little one.

Without even realizing it, I have my hand resting on my belly.

“I could just tell. You’re glowing. I take it you aren’t very far along?”

I shake my head. “I just took the test this morning. The only reason I didn’t tell Colton I was taking it was because he wasn’t home. I kinda had a feeling, since I’ve woken up three days in a row nauseous. Plus, to be honest, I was a little nervous about the results.”

“To be positive?” she asks, any earlier humor gone from her face.

Again, I shake my head. “For it to be negative,” I whisper. “Colt,” I start, glancing toward the cabin where he’s putting his son—our son—down for a nap. It takes me a second to find the right words. “He’s been talking about more kids a lot lately. Hell, ever since we said I do, he’s been hinting that he’s ready for more. Though he’s never pressured me, I guess I was afraid it would be negative. And he’d be disappointed in me.”

“He could never be disappointed in you.”

That didn’t come from Gabby.

My eyes fly back to the doorway, to my husband who’s standing there, apparently having heard what I just said. He’s moving mere seconds later, dropping to his knees on the rough concrete, his vivid blue eyes so full of hope and love. “Are you saying… Are you pregnant?”

Nodding, I feel the first tear slip from my eye. “Yeah. I just found out.”

His hands immediately go to my flat stomach. When his eyes meet mine, I’m shocked to see wetness swimming in his own eyes. “I…” he starts, but seems to choke up a little. Colton closes his eyes for a few minutes, and when he opens them, they’re brimming with joy. “I missed everything with Milo, but I won’t miss a second of this, Holls. I swear I’m going to be right here beside you the whole time. We’re going to do this together. You, me, and Milo. And this little one.”

And then he bends down and kisses my belly. I can hear him whispering, but I don’t hear what he’s saying. Probably for the best though. I’m already a blubbering mess. When I glance over at Gabby, she’s in no better shape. Her hands are covering her mouth as she openly cries.

When Colton is done with whatever conversation he was having, he moves. His arms wrap around my shoulders, and he kisses me. Hard. With so much love and passion, it almost makes me dizzy. “Thank you,” he whispers against my lips.

“For what?”

“For completing my life.”

I can’t help but grin. “I think that’s my line.”

Colton shakes his head. “No way. It’s you, Hollis. You complete the picture. You, Milo, and however many babies I’m fortunate enough for you to give me. I love you.”

“And I love you,” I tell him, my heart soaring.

“Come on, let’s go,” he says, standing up and taking my hand.

I start to stutter. “Wh-What? Where are we going?”

“To wake up Milo. I want to tell him he’s going to be a big brother,” he says, grinning from ear to ear.

I can’t help but laugh. “We can tell him later, silly. Let him sleep, or he’ll be a total monster for the rest of the afternoon.”