After what feels like minutes, I start to worry he doesn’t like it. He still hasn’t said anything. Maybe I overstepped on this gift. It’s personal, yes, but maybe he doesn’t want the reminder of his previous world clashing with his current one.

“If you don’t like it,” I start, trying to find the right words.

When he glances up, his eyes hold something I wasn’t expecting. Tears. “Don’t like it? It’s amazing.” He looks back down at the image and smiles.

I swallow over the lump in my throat. “I thought maybe you could hang it with the one from Chase and Gabby,” I tell him unnecessarily.

Colton’s gaze lands on the portrait of Milo from when he was only a month old. Before he knew the boy was his son, not his nephew. He nods and smiles. Even though the tears don’t fall, they’re there, nonetheless.

Without saying a word, he reaches down for the envelope and pulls out the stack of photos. “There should be plenty there for your family to have,” I tell him as he thumbs through different poses and sizes. When he gets to the last one, a look of what can only be described as pure contentment passes across his handsome face. He holds it up for me to see.

I shrug. “I hope you don’t mind. She suggested the photo, and it sounded cute, so I went with it. I bought one. For my room,” I stammer, referring to that final photo where I’m helping Milo stand, his little belly sticking out over his jeans.

He’s moving before I realize it, hauling me up and onto my feet. Suddenly, I’m wrapped in his arms, in his familiar scent, and hugged so tightly I’m not sure I could breathe, even if I tried. “I love it. I want one for our room too.”

Then his lips are pressed to mine in a fierce, bruising kiss that melts my bones and robs me of the ability to think of anything other than him. Thank God I’m in his arms, or I wouldn’t be able to stand.

“And I love you,” he adds against my lips.

“I love you too. Thank you for my necklace.”

“Thank you for these, for everything,” he says, pointing to the stack of photos left on the floor. “Merry Christmas, Hollis,” he whispers as he swipes his lips across mine once more.

Milo chooses that moment to yell, his bottom lip jutting out as he gets ready for a fit. I’m there, though, scooping him up and in my arms before the first tear even has a chance to fall. “Are you getting hungry?” I ask, bouncing him on my hip as the doorbell rings. “Are you expecting someone?”

Guilt flashes through Colton’s eyes before it’s quickly replaced with excitement. “Uh, yeah. Actually,” he starts, reaching over and taking Milo from my arms, “it’s for you.”

I give him a look of confusion. “For me?”

“Yeah, it’s for you. The rest of your Christmas present.”

I don’t move right away, not until I feel his hand on my back. “Go ahead. Open the door.”

My legs are a little wobbly as I head to the door and turn the lock. When the chain is released, I slowly open the door, not really sure what to expect. What I do know is I wasn’t expecting this.


“Tina!”Chapter 17ColtonThe smile on my girl’s face tells me that even though she doesn’t like surprises, she’s happy with this one. It took some sneaking around in her phone to find Tina’s number, and then I had to wait until I was at the gym to call her. It almost felt as if I was cheating the way I was keeping my phone on vibrate and quickly deleting our text messages. Although it was a job to sneak, I couldn’t think of a better gift for Christmas than time with her best friend. I know she’s been missing her, and now that she’s free, now that she doesn’t have the fear hanging over her head, I thought my girl could use some girl time.

She and Tina are sitting on the couch, with Milo between them. My little man has been soaking up all the attention like a sponge. He’s been flashing that new bottom tooth and his dimple of his all afternoon. As for me, I’ve just been sitting here, listening to the two of them catch up. The way Hollis smiles makes me happy to see her this way. She’s so relaxed and carefree. I wasn’t certain that bringing Tina here was the best move, but within seconds of her opening the door, I knew it was the right choice. There was a long hug, and lots of tears, but the good kind of tears. Happiness, relief, and joy of getting to see each other again.

Milo squirms and begins to fuss. Hollis stands and pats his back, swaying from side to side, never missing a beat in her conversation with Tina. It’s as if taking care of my son comes second nature to her. “I’ll take him, babe,” I say, standing and taking Milo from her arms. “You ready for a bottle and a nap, little man?” I ask my son, kissing his head.