I’m on the other side of the room, trying to keep quiet so he can fall asleep, but the whole time, my heart is screaming at me to go to him. To hold him. To comfort him.

“He’s not a happy little boy,” she says, her eyes holding just the slightest hint of worry.

“No, those teeth are really bothering him,” I say.

The moment Milo hears my voice, he turns and looks for me. He’s fussing more, his hands reaching out blindly. He’s reaching… for me. Gabby seems to realize it at the same time I do and offers me a smile. She carefully sits up, holding Milo to her chest as she does, and meets me in the middle of the room. He turns, his hands extended for me. The moment he’s against my chest, he snuggles in, his cheek resting just over my heart.

“Awww, he just wanted you,” she whispers as I rub his back.

“We uh, we snuggle a lot at home.”

Gabby smiles. “I think that’s great,” she adds, popping his pacifier in his mouth and rubbing his arm.

The silence extends for several long minutes as Milo’s eyes finally start to droop. I bounce lightly, swaying back and forth as he drifts off to sleep. Ignoring the burn in my arms, I hold him against my chest and hum a song. I can’t sing the way his dad can, but I can at least hum a little tune to give him a sense of normalcy.

“Look at you. He’s out,” she says.

“He’s had a long day,” I tell her, my heart soaring with happiness as I hold him in my arms.

“He’s not the only one.” Her observation strikes a little too close to home as I gaze down at the wonder in my arms.

“It was a long night, but Colton was able to catch a catnap today. Tonight should be better,” I whisper.

I can feel her eyes on me. “That’s not exactly what I meant.”

My heart pounds fast and furious in my chest.

“I’m not sure what’s going on, but I can tell something is bothering you. You don’t have to tell me, but if you ever need a friend, I’m here. I’m sure it’s not easy moving to a new town and not knowing anyone.” Gabby shrugs. “All I’m saying is if you want to talk, I’ll listen. And I promise not to tell Chase. Whatever you say stays between us.”

Again with the damn tears.

Movement catches out of the corner of my eye, and we both turn to find Colton and Chase in the hallway. They’re standing in front of the window, chatting and watching us. Colton’s eyes drop to his son and then back to my face, the softest smile on his full lips.

I glance over at Gabby, who’s smiling like the cat that ate the canary. “Thank you for the offer,” I tell her, “but I’d never expect you to keep anything from Chase. I wouldn’t want to put you in any position that you can’t talk to him.”

“Well, if it involves Colt or his family and it’s alarming, I’d probably have to tell Chase, but if it’s good, you know… like he gave you four Os last night and you’re still not walking right, well, that would totally be between us girls.” Then she giggles.

I giggle.

And feel lighter than I have since that notification appeared on my phone.

I have a friend. Yes, I have Tina, but she’s a call or a text away. Gabby is standing in front of me, offering me something I’ve been desperate to find since my life was turned upside down. Yes, I found something similar with Colton, yet that’s completely different. With Colton, I found solace and passion with his friendship. Gabby is offering comradery and a sense of belonging. Girlfriends.

“Thank you,” I whisper, trying not to wake the baby, but also because it’s the only word I can choke out over the lump in my throat. She wraps her arms around me and hugs tightly just as the door opens.

“Everything okay?” Chase asks, instantly alarmed.

“Everything is just fine, Mr. Callahan,” she barks as she releases me with a wink.

Chase instantly pulls his wife into his arms, hugging her close and rubbing a hand over the belly. “Ready to go home?”

“Yep. I’m starving,” she says, heading over to pick up the few things I got out for Milo.

“I can grab that stuff,” I insist, swaying with Milo against my chest.

Gabby waves me off. “There’s like two things.”

Chase helps bag up the garbage, which only consisted of a diaper and a few wipes, and takes it to the door. I can feel Colton’s presence beside me, but I don’t look his way. I keep my eyes trained on the sleeping baby in my arms. I catch a whiff of sweat and detergent as he bends down and kisses his son’s forehead, rubbing a big hand over the fuzzy top of his head. Our eyes meet for only a second, but a thousand words pass in that time. He places his hand on my lower back and bends down to kiss me on the forehead too. My heart dances in my chest with elation, knowing he still feels the same as before.