It’s not some tragic story of having my heart broken. No, when I enlisted and witnessed how upset my mother, father, and brother were when I was thousands of miles away and could hear the worry in their voice over a cracking connection, I knew I could never do that to someone else. I vowed to keep my distance and never get too close. The Army was where I felt I was supposed to be, and I refused to bring that pain and worry onto anyone else.

The day I found out about Milo, there was no other choice to make. I was a father, and my son wouldn’t have to worry if Daddy was coming home.

“Why graphic design?”

“I don’t know really. I took a class my first year of college and enjoyed it. I caught on quickly, and we are living in the digital age. I liked the fact that I could make a living anywhere. I can have clients from all over the world and never have to leave my living room. And I can work in my pajamas all day.”

“Great. Now all I’m going to think about is what skimpy little number you’re wearing while your door is closed.”

“All you have to do is knock, and I’ll show you.”

“Hollis,” I warn. “You can’t tease a man like that. Not after I’ve just been inside you and still have your warm naked body in my arms.”

“I’m not teasing. I don’t know what happens next. If this was us just… scratching an itch, or what, but I’m keeping an open mind.”

“And an open door?” I tease.“I’m crazy about you. I want to spend more time with you. Not just between the sheets, but us together, doing couple things. Although there is something that we need to discuss.”

“I’m listening.”

“I’m a single dad. I know Milo is still a baby, but he’s getting bigger every single day. He recognizes faces and voices, and well, if that’s too much for you, if being with me and my son is too much, I’d like for you to tell me now. Tell me before I fall any harder for you.” My hand is trailing up and down her back, enjoying the softness of her skin beneath my fingertips.

Pushing up on her elbow, her hand rests against my cheek. “You’re an amazing man, Colton Callahan. I’ve said that before, and I’ll continue to do so. The fact that you’re a single father and proud of it warms my heart. You love that little boy to the ends of the earth, and that shines through in everything that you do. You’re not just Colton, the retired Army hero, you’re Colton, the brother, the son, and the father. That little boy is the best part of you, and I’m honored you allow me to be a small piece of your lives.”

Lifting my head, I kiss her. We roll to our sides, and we kiss. Our hands roam each other’s bodies as we explore on an intimate level. I don’t know how long, minutes, hours pass us by, but it’s been one of the best nights of my entire life.

“I should put more wood on the fire.” It’s starting to fade quickly, and the chill in the room, even under the blankets and with our body heat, is noticeable.

“Yeah.” She yawns.

“I’m stoking the fire, and then we’re sleeping.” I kiss the tip of her nose. “I’m sorry for keeping you up.”

“Don’t apologize. I’ve enjoyed every second of our time together.”

Nodding, I throw off the covers and yelp. “Fuck, it’s cold.” I rush to the fireplace, thankful I brought in enough wood to get us through the night. “Babe, as bad as I want to hold you skin to skin while we sleep, I think we better get dressed. I don’t want you getting sick.”

She sighs. “On one condition.”

“What’s that?” I ask, tossing logs onto the fire.


I stop and turn to look at her over my shoulder. “Raincheck?”

“I want another night that I get to sleep skin to skin with you.”

“You want that?” I ask, ready to say fuck the fire, douse it with water, and drive through the fucking blizzard outside to the nearest hotel just to make it happen.

“More than anything.”

“Done. Now get dressed before I change my mind and we run off to the nearest hotel.”

“The roads sucked hours ago, and the temperature is only dropping,” she says as if I’m crazy for wanting to leave.

“I know,” I sigh. “That’s why you need to get dressed, but I promise you we will get our raincheck.” I turn back to the fire and pile as many logs on as I can to keep it going while we sleep. I replace the glass to keep sparks from flying and rush to find my clothes. I forgo the boxer briefs, and slide into my sweats, pulling my T-shirt on over my head. “You good? Need something warmer?”