Ten minutes later, the fire is blazing, and the flames are already starting to warm up the room. The chill in the air was starting to set in; it’s well below freezing outside, so I knew it wouldn’t take long. The homeowner in me hopes they can get it back on quickly. You know, frozen pipes and all that. The man in me, well, he likes the idea of cuddling by the fire with a beautiful woman to stay warm. When I bought this place, I wasn’t sure I’d ever use the fireplace, but, in this moment, I’ve never been more grateful for its existence. Even more so, the firewood the previous owners left on the back porch. It’s as if all the stars are aligning tonight, and Hollis and I are destined to quell this ache we’re both feeling.

“I think this is good,” Hollis says.

I turn to face her, and she looks even more beautiful in the light of the fire. “Let me help you.” I stand and move the coffee table to the side of the room, and together we start laying out blankets on the floor, layer after layer, and then the pillows. I save an old quilt to cover us up with.

“Looks cozy,” Hollis comments as our eyes meet.

Instead of reminding her she’s supposed to be ridding herself of the small scraps of material adorning her skin, I stand here, watching her. Waiting for her to bare herself to me. She doesn’t disappoint as she reaches behind her and unhooks her bra. Arms at her sides, her hands are in fists as she stands before me in nothing but a pair of panties.

“You okay?” I ask, my voice gritty.

“Yes. It’s just… been a while for me.”

“Hollis, we don’t have to do this,” I say the words as my body screams for me to shut the hell up. I ignore my need for her. “I never want you to do anything that you don’t feel comfortable with.”

My words seem to relax her. “I want this, Colt. I want you.”

I nod. Sliding my hands into the waistband of my boxer briefs, I pull them off, letting them pool at my feet. No point in delaying the inevitable. Kicking them to the side, away from our makeshift bed, I stand here, stark naked in front of her. My cock bobs against my abdomen, and twitches when she takes me in for the first time. I stroke myself root to tip while she watches. It’s not until her tongue peeks out and licks her lips that I move this party along.

“Hollis, babe, you’re killing me here. I need you fucking naked. Now.” My voice is a growl, not one of anger but of lust. She must be able to sense it because she offers me a sweet smile before she wiggles out of her yoga panties.

Boy shorts—at least I think that’s what they’re called—have never looked so good. I watch her, and even though there is a slight tremble in her hands, she continues to step out of them, tossing them to the side.

We’re naked.


With my hand still tightly fisted around my cock, I take small steps, allowing me time to rake my eyes over her naked body. She’s flawless. Her tits look to be a perfect handful, and the softness of her belly leads me to a small landing strip that disappears between her thighs. My mouth waters at the thought of tasting her.

“Colt?” Her voice is soft. My eyes snap to hers, and she looks worried. “W-What are you doing?”

“I’ve wanted this,” I tell her as I give my cock another long stroke. “From the minute I laid eyes on you, I wished I could see you like this. Bare to me. I finally get the chance, and I’m going to take full advantage of it. I want to make sure that when I need to, I can pull this moment up in my mind and relive it.”

“Oh.” Her lips form the perfect circle, and I can’t help but think that’s how she would look with my cock in her mouth.

Hollis Taylor is my new obsession.

I can’t fight it.

I don’t want to fight it.

Not anymore.

She bites down on her lip, something I’ve noticed she does when she’s nervous or unsure. I need to loosen her up. A few more steps and I’m standing so close I can feel the heat from her naked body seep into my own. The room is bathed in a soft glow from the fire, and although unplanned, it’s pretty epic as far as romance goes. I’m rusty as hell when it comes to wooing women. Hell, I don’t know that I ever have. Maybe in high school? Once I enlisted, picking up women was easy. All I had to do was tell them I was in the Army, and just like that, panties were dropping everywhere. I used that to my advantage. Of course, I also had the good fortune of the Callahan genes running through my veins.