He shrugs. “Maybe, but that’s a great start. At least you know what it feels like to drive in these kinds of conditions, and when to engage the four-wheel drive.”

I glance out again, barely able to see the tracks we made earlier. “We should probably get out of here.”

“Yeah,” he says, starting to slide my way.

After I unbuckle, I shift so my butt is pressed against the dash and try to step over Colton’s legs. His catch on mine, though, and my weight shifts. Suddenly, I’m falling forward, into his arms. The moment his hands touch my face, I’m straddling his lap, and our lips meet in a frenzy of pent-up desire.

His hands slide down my sides and move beneath my coat. Even without his skin touching mine, the heat of his hands sears my flesh. His tongue begs for entrance, one which I readily grant. I rotate my hips, my core grinding against that delicious erection in his pants.

A groan tears from his throat, his head falling back and lying on the headrest. Seeing him so close to losing control has my hips automatically rocking again, my body seeking out the relief only he can provide. Colton grips my hips as he simultaneously tries to still my movements and help guide them to where he craves the touch.

“Hollis,” he whispers, his voice barely a whisper.

I’m so close to losing my own mind, I can barely think straight. All I can think about is the way he feels, the way we feel grinding against each other, desperately looking for release. Feeling more daring than ever before, I slide my hands under his coat, under the T-shirt he’s wearing underneath, and graze my fingers along those very abs I’ve been picturing for days. Weeks, really. Ever since I saw him walk out of his room in nothing but shorts, I’ve imagined touching him. It’s what I think about as I touch myself late at night when he is asleep.

His hands slide up my neck once more and dive into my hair. He moves me forward, our lips meeting once more in a tidal wave of lust. He trails open-mouthed kisses across my jaw and down my throat as he rocks his hips upward, hitting my clit like a bull’s-eye. “Colt,” I gasp, the sensations almost too much.

As his hand glides down the column of my neck, my heart knocks hard against my chest. It’s so loud, I swear Colton can hear it too. He stills, his eyes wide. My heart pounds again, and suddenly it hits me.

That’s not my heart.

Someone is knocking.

On the window.

On the very foggy window of Colton’s truck.

“Fuck,” he whispers as I practically leap from his lap like a hurdle jumper.

Colton adjusts his tight pants and moves into the driver’s seat. I’ve never been so grateful for leaving my clothes on as I am right now. Thank God, we’re both wearing coats, or who knows what state of naked we’d be in right now.

He hits the window button, and the foggy glass of the driver’s window starts to fall. Instantly, snow starts to blow in, and I snuggle into my coat a little more.

“Everything all right here?” And then the cop pauses. “Jesus, Colton Callahan, is that you?”

“Hey, Rusty, yeah, it’s me,” he says to the police officer standing at his window.

Rusty looks over Colton’s shoulder at me and gives a knowing grin. “I just stopped to make sure everything was okay here. There’s no traffic out, and when I saw a running truck in the lot, I was afraid something was wrong.” His smile tells a different story. One that lets me know he hasn’t missed my rosy cheeks and disheveled hair. Nor the way the truck windows were fogged up. Yeah, the cop knows exactly what we were doing in this deserted parking lot.

“All good, man. Hey, it’s good to see you,” Colton says, changing the subject.

“Yeah, it’s been a few years. I heard you were back in town. For good now?” he asks.

“Yeah, for good.”

“Well, happy to hear it, buddy.” Again, he glances over his shoulder my way. “The weather’s getting pretty bad. You may want to think about taking this back home.”

And cue the flaming blush.

“Headed that way now. Thanks, Rusty. Good to see you again,” Colton says as he rolls up his window and shakes the snow off his arm. “Well, that was unexpected.” He glances my way, and we both burst into fits of laughter.

“I can’t believe that just happened.”

He gives me a smirk and buckles up. “Rusty was a classmate. I’m sure half the town will hear all about this by morning,” he says as he puts the truck in Drive.

I buckle up and sit back to enjoy the rest of our drive. As he pulls out of the lot, Colton reaches over and takes my hand, resting it on his thigh once more. I can’t help but smile as he returns his hands to the wheel. I’m more aware of his driving, but not because I don’t trust him. It’s because I’m taking it all in and really paying attention to how he drives and responds to the road conditions. I imagine myself in the driver’s seat, moving us through the snow to get us safely back home.