“Got it.” She moves to step behind me, and I’m assaulted with her scent, something lavender, as her arms wrap around my waist just as I’ve instructed.

I can’t help but run my hands over hers. I tell myself it’s to make sure her grip is good and tight when the reality is that I just want to touch her. Her skin is so damn soft, and this is just her hands. I can only imagine how it would be if my hands got to roam all over her body. “Good,” I croak. I cough to clear my throat. “Now, when in this situation, you want to shift your weight forward. You do that by bending forward at the waist. This makes it more difficult for your attacker to lift you from the ground, and it gives you a better angle to throw an elbow or two.” I bend over at the waist and turn with my elbow poised to demonstrate. “You want to switch from arm to arm counter-attacking to throw the attacker off. This should lead to you being able to turn fully and getting a good groin shot or heel palm strike, which we haven’t gone over yet. However, from a man’s perspective, always go for the groin. That pain, when delivered precisely, will drop him to his knees.” I turn to face her and then step back. Her arms drop to her sides, and her eyes stay locked with mine. “You ready to try it?”

“What if I hurt you?”

“First of all, I’m a big guy, I can take it. Don’t use all of your power, just walk through the steps. If you make contact, you make contact. It’s not the roughest thing I’ve been through. Trust me on that.” My mind flashes to being in the trenches in the desert. An elbow is nothing compared to the things I’ve been through.

“Okay.” She nods, and I can see a little of her hesitation start to drift away.

“Turn around.” My voice is gruff. I move in behind her, clasping my arms around her waist. My cock is nestled next to her ass and twitches. I don’t even fight it because there is no use. No way can I hide what she does to me. As I feel myself harden from being this close to her, she gasps.

“I can’t apologize for that. That’s what you do to me,” I whisper in her ear. It’s bold, and I’m so far out of line. However, when I’m holding her close like this, I can’t seem to find it in me to care. No, in fact, I pull her a little closer. I want her to feel my body's reaction to hers.

“W-What next?” she asks.

My lips are still next to her ear, so I keep my voice low. “Bend over, push your weight forward at the waist.” She bends over, and on instinct, my hands go to her hips, holding her to me. “Fuck,” I murmur. There are so many wildly inappropriate things running through my head right now.

“Colton?” She says my name, and it sounds like a plea.

“Elbows,” I grind out. “Alternate elbows.” I try to focus on what this is supposed to be about. Her safety. Hollis learning how to defend herself should the need arise.

Lifting her right arm, she turns to mimic elbowing me, but turns all the way around and her hands land on my shoulders. My hands still on her hips, pull her close. Looking down at her, her gaze is focused on my lips. I lick them, the anticipation of what I think is about to happen overwhelms me. When her tongue peeks out, and she wets her own, I know I’m about to cross another invisible line.

“Hollis,” I murmur, and her eyes dart to mine. I lean in just a little. “Tell me to stop. Tell me I’m not allowed to kiss you.”

“I-I can’t do that, Colt.”

Colt. The familiarity in the way she shortens my name only fuels my desire for her. I want that with her. Not just so I can learn every inch of her. I want to know what makes her who she is. I can’t explain it, and frankly, I’m done trying. I just want her. I can’t fight it, and honestly, I don’t want to.

She rises up on her tiptoes, and I meet her halfway. At first, it’s just a soft press of my lips against hers. It’s delicate as we both take the time to savor one another. Needing more of her, I nip at her bottom lip, and she opens for me. My tongue lazily strokes her bottom lip soothing the ache, before I slide between her lips, and get my first real taste of her. She whimpers, a sound that’s released from the back of her throat, and it fuels me. Needing a better angle, needing to be closer to her, I bend and lift her into my arms. We never break our kiss as she locks her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, holding on while I devour her mouth.