“You must be Hollis. I’ve heard a lot about your work,” the man behind the desk says with a smile. “I’m Harrison Drake, owner of All Fit.”

I’m going to be honest with you. Harrison is hot. Like walking on the sun barefoot kinda hot. He’s tall and muscular, with a tight All Fit T-shirt and dark glasses perched on his nose. Actually, he reminds me a little of Chase. No, there isn’t much of a resemblance outside their physical bulk, but there’s just something about their charming smiles and bad boy demeanor.

But as good-looking as they both are, neither of them are Colton Callahan.

Funny, Chase and Colton are brothers, yet I don’t feel the slightest attraction toward the younger brother. Colton, on the other hand, has this way of constantly keeping my heart pounding and my panties wet, and he doesn’t even realize it. At least, I hope he doesn’t realize it. Otherwise, things are going to get awkward real fast.

“Pleasure to meet you,” I tell him, shaking his extended hand.

“Have a seat. Gabby has been raving about your work for the last week or so, and we were finally able to sit down and review the information you emailed her,” he starts, steepling his fingers at his lips. “I’m definitely ready to improve our online presence. I think it’s a logical step in marketing the company, but I’m honestly a little hesitant to do this now.”

My heart skids to a stop, and I just pray my eyes don’t bug out of my head in shock. “Oh.”

Not exactly how I expected this meeting to go. He couldn’t decline my business via the phone? No, he just had to bring me to his office and fire me face-to-face.

Well, not fire, really. You can’t be fired from a job you didn’t have.

The letdown is real as I feel myself sag in my chair.

“Don’t be an ass, Harrison. Tell her the rest,” Gabby demands, opening up his candy dish and taking a mint from the jar.

Harrison chuckles and glances my way, a small smile on his face. “My assistant loves to point out when I’m being an ass. Anyway, here’s my concern,” he starts, sitting up straight and looking across the desk at me. “Gabby is going to be taking maternity leave in a few months. I’m afraid to start this project, train our clients to check it for updated classes and such, and then her be off for six to eight weeks post-baby. What I’d like is to have someone maintain the site for us. Someone who can make the adjustments quickly online in a timely manner. I want this person to show Gabby how to do it, but then take the reins and maintain the site for a period of up to six months. You interested?”

I find myself staring back at him, listening to his words, but not truly hearing them.

“I’m sorry, you want me to maintain your site?” I ask, stuttering and stammering around like an idiot.

Harrison smiles. “I do. I’d pay you, of course, for your time.”

My own grin breaks out as I think about his offer. “I could do that,” I tell him without even really considering it. The thing is, I know my websites. No one can navigate them as quickly and as easily as I can. It does seem logical to have me do it.

“Umm, yeah, I think that can be arranged,” I tell him.

He grins again and stands up. “Perfect. I’d also like you to design a branding package. Gabby says she’s already mentioned it to you, so go ahead and come up with a design or two and send them my way.”

I blink once, twice. I can’t seem to find my words.

“Are you okay?” he asks, a concerned look crossing his face.

“Hollis?” Gabby asks, moving her head into my line of sight.

“Oh! Yes! Sorry, I was just…”

Embarrassing myself.

“Does that sound okay?” he asks, taking his glasses off and watching me closely.

“Yes, that sounds amazing, actually. I’m definitely interested in designing your site and logo and am more than willing to help maintain the site while Gabby’s gone,” I assure him, elation bubbling up in my chest.

“I’m glad,” he says, smiling across at me. When he stands up, I do the same. “Work with Gabby on the project, okay? When she’s happy with it, I’ll sign off on final approval.”

“Sounds good, Mr. Drake,” I tell him, unable to stop the grin on my lips.

“Please, call me Harrison,” he replies with yet another smile.

I nod. “Harrison. I’ll be in touch with Gabby by the end of the week,” I tell him, reaching down for my handbag.

“Good. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to meet Winnie and the kids for lunch before the appointment.”

And just like that, Harrison Drake is gone.

“Wow,” I whisper, forgetting I’m not alone in the room.