My hand slides between my legs as I grip my cock. I know this is wrong, but it feels all kinds of right. With each stroke, it’s her that I imagine. I can’t fight it. Not the need for relief, not that my mind only sees her when I close my eyes or the orgasm that blazes through me, like fire in my veins. Peeling open my eyes, I watch as the proof of my desire for her washes down the drain.

Fuck, I’m in so much trouble.* * *After my shower, I threw on some clothes, packed up the diaper bag, and fled. I started to go to Chase’s, but he knows me too well, and he’s met Hollis. He would be able to see right through me. Hell, I’m terrible at hiding it. I could barely look her in the eye this morning as I rushed out the door. I did give her a reminder that if she needed my truck to let me know, and then fled.

That’s how I ended up at my parents’, and I’ve been here the entire day. Mom has had Milo while Dad and I have worked on replacing the steps to the back deck. It’s been good to stay busy and keep my mind off life and my sexy new tenant.

“What gives?” Dad asks as we’re packing up the tools.

“What do you mean?”

He chuckles. “You’re my son, Colt. I know when something’s up. A father knows things.”

“Is this what I have to look forward to? Reading my son, and drilling him to let me into his life?”

“Yes. When he’s a teenager, hell even preteen. Yes. And then when he’s a grown man and living on his own, you still have that right.” He gives me a pointed look.

“Fine,” I concede. “My new tenant moved in yesterday.”

“Oh, that’s right, I forgot about that. How’d that go?”

“He’s a she.”


“Hollis is a she. Not a he.”

His reply is to throw his head back in laughter. “I’m not even going to ask you what she looks like. That pained expression on your face says it all.”

“Funny,” I say, deadpan. “Seriously, I can’t let her stay, right? I have to ask her to find a new place?”

“Depends. Is she going against the initial agreement the two of you had?”


“Do you feel as though it’s not safe to have her around Milo?”


“Then, what would be your reason to ask her to go?” He smirks because he already fucking knows what my reason is.

“You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” He nods with a self-satisfied grin pulling at his lips.

“Fine. She’s a fucking knock-out. There, I said it.”

“So, get to know her, and who knows, maybe she’s the one.”

“She’s my tenant.”

“Technically, she’s your roommate.”

“That’s even worse, Dad. Come on, and you have to see that this is a bad idea.”

“I don’t see it that way at all. What I do see is my son. A man who has fought for his country. Dedicated his life to his country. I see him not as a soldier but as a man. A man who has been thrust into fatherhood and has risen to that challenge better than anyone could have expected. I know I’ve told you this before, but I’m going to say it again. Son, I appreciate your service to this country, but as your father, I’m glad you’re home. I’m glad you’re home to stay. I want nothing more than to see you and Milo find a nice woman to bring into your lives. I want you to be happy and live a full life, one I wasn’t sure I would ever see you have.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. My parents knew that life in the military was my plan. I got to see the world, and I had a job, a career I was damn proud of. I miss my brothers-in-arms, but no way could I leave my son. His mother might not be in the picture, but I want him to know that I, his father, loves him more than anything. Not a day will go by that my boy won’t know I’m there for him, just like my father was there for Chase and me.

“I see those wheels turning.” Dad chuckles. “Just take it one day at a time, Colt. I would advise you to keep it in your pants until you know for sure she’s someone you want to stick around. However, with that being said, you are the only one who can determine that. There are no rules and no set time limit. Go with your gut. It’s brought you home to us many times in the past. It’s not going to fail you on this either.”

Leave it to my father to be able to bring things into perspective for me. I wonder how he would feel about the timeline, considering I’ve already jerked off with the gorgeous brunette on my mind? Yeah, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. We’re close and all, but not that close.