His blue eyes follow my movement. “You’re welcome. Everything happens for a reason, right?”

I nod, throw him a quick wave, and disappear into my new mini apartment, locking the door behind me. I know I’m not exactly in the big city anymore, but it’s a habit to lock the doors the moment you securely close them. I can’t imagine there’s much crime here, not after the Mayberry-like stories my grandma used to share, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

I quickly find my box with bedding and throw two blankets and my comforter onto the floor. In the bathroom, I’m able to locate the box with toiletries, and quickly wash my face and take out my contacts. After I brush my teeth, I turn off the light and head back to the living area. After finding a change of clothes, I take in my new place. It’s definitely small, but I think it’ll work just fine. It’s homey and cozy, just what I’ve been looking for.

I toss my pillow into the pile of blankets and lie under the comforter. Even in the heat of summer, I always have to have my comforter. I sleep cold, so the more blankets, the better. I snuggle into my makeshift bed, the familiar scent of laundry detergent filling my senses. The light is still on in the kitchenette, and I make no move to shut it off. Maybe someday, I’ll be able to sleep in the dark again. Today isn’t that day, however.

And tomorrow probably won’t be either.

As I lie here, I hear Chase and Gabby leave. It’s not super loud, but I can hear their movements on the opposite side of the walls. I’m hoping when both places have furniture, maybe it won’t be so echoey. Colton moves around in Milo’s bedroom. His back wall butts up against one of my walls, so it’s just a little noisier than before. I close my eyes and listen to the low hum of Colton’s voice as he talks to his son. No, I can’t make out what he’s saying, thankfully, but I can tell when his talking turns to something more.

With my eyes shut, I let the silence of the night lull me to sleep as the soft sounds of Colton singing to his son rocks me to sleep.Chapter 3ColtonWhen Milo begins to fuss at around six, I know my chance at sleep is no more. When my boy is hungry, he’s not afraid to let you know it. Typically, it wouldn’t be so bad. I’m a morning person. I have many years in the military to thank for that. However, I barely slept a wink last night.

My sexy new tenant is already keeping me up.

It’s not just because she’s hands down the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on. But the fact that I know she’s sleeping on the hard floor. I went around and around in my head, fighting the urge to let her sleep in my bed. I could take the floor, but in the end, I stayed put. I’m an asshole. I should have offered her the bed, but see there was a dilemma with that. Every time I pictured me going to knock on her door, offering her my mattress, we ended up in it together.

So, instead, I spent the night watching shadows dance across the ceiling as I chastised myself for being an inconsiderate asshole. Sometime around three, I decided I’d make her breakfast. Milo and I went to the store a few days ago and got the basics, and then with what Gabby brought over, I can find something better than cold cereal to offer her, surely.

My boy decides to exercise his lungs as he wails. Quickly, I toss back the covers and shuffle down the hall to his room. “Hey, buddy,” I coo as I lift him into my arms. Quickly, I feel around in his bed for his binky and pop it back in his mouth. “Daddy’s got you.” I rub my hand up and down his back, trying to soothe him. “You know, before we get breakfast, we have to take care of your diaper.” His cries turn into a whimper, and then one shuddering breath later he’s calm, nestled in my arms.

I love these moments.

When I’m the person he needs.

Carefully, I lay him on the changing table, and start unbuttoning his pajamas. His little arms and legs are flopping all over the place, and from the sound of the suckling, he’s going to town on that binky. My time of calm is limited. So, I opt to leave him in his jammies for now. A quick swap of the diaper that weighs thirty pounds for a clean one, and I button him back up.

“All set,” I say, lifting him into my arms and kissing his chubby cheek. “Now we get some breakfast.”