“Nope. We’ve had a productive day, me and this little guy. I went home and fed him, and he conked out on me. I made him a bed in the middle of yours, surrounded by every blanket and pillow I could find. I know he’s too young to roll off the bed, but you can never be too careful. Anyway,” she continues, “I swapped out the laundry, made the phone calls, unloaded the dishwasher, and then he was awake again. After a diaper change, we headed to the store. I picked up a new base for his seat, which was illegal to not have by the way. I found a Pack ’n Play on sale and it has a bassinet on the top for him to sleep in at night. I went ahead and bought it. I was thinking worst-case scenario, I could use it when Sophia comes over so Gwen and Harrison don’t have to pack theirs.”

“You used my card, right?” I ask.

“For the base, diapers, wipes, formula, and a few extra bottles I did.” She adds, “The Pack ’n Play, blanket, and burp cloths I paid for. He didn’t really need them, but they were too cute to pass up.”

“Gabby.” I sigh. “I’ll pay you back.”

“No, you won’t. You let me live with you for free. I wanted to do this.”

“You’re no longer a guest in my home, Gabrielle. You live there. With me. It’s your home too.”

“I—” she starts, but I talk over her.

“No. You’re mine, and you’re already living there. If you insist on keeping your own room, fine, but I want you there.”

“I’ll help with him regardless.”

“It’s not about that. Yes, I asked you to stay, but we both know it wasn’t because I needed the help. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t know what I would have done without you, but my request for you to stay was with me. For me. My home is your own. No resisting, no talks of moving out. It’s a done deal.”

“Okay,” she concedes, her voice soft.

Harrison is on to something with this open-book stuff. “What else?” I ask.

“There is so much more he’s going to need. We still need to pick up some extra clothes, but we have what we need for now.”

I glance at the clock. “You want to go now? To get some clothes?”

“It’s almost time for him to eat again,” she says, reaching for the diaper bag. I stand and hand it to her.

“What can I do?”

“I have a bottle made up; it’s in the side pocket. Can you grab it and a receiving blanket?”

“Do I know what a receiving blanket is?” My brows dip low.

She laughs. The sound is soothing. “It’s right on top. I found it at the bottom of the bag when I was packing more diapers.”

Unzipping the bag, I find the soft, thin blue blanket right on top like she said. Grabbing the bottle from the side, I hold them both. “Um, do you want me to do it?” I ask her.

“Do you want to?”


She nods and I take a seat in the chair. “Here you go.” She hands him off to me. His tiny little body weighs nothing. Taking the blanket from my hands, she places it over my shoulder, then shakes up the bottle, removes the cap, and hands it to me. “I picked up some bibs as well, but I haven’t washed them yet. I feel like I should before we use them on him. Lucky for us, he’s not really a messy eater. Not yet. Just wait until he gets to be Sophia’s age and gets baby food.”

I place the nipple at his lips, and he opens his little mouth and goes to town. “Gabby,” I say, looking up at her.


“Thank you. For today, for taking care of him, for getting what he needs, for taking care of me.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I’m going to cancel the rest of my day. I only have one client later. I’m going to move him to Jack’s schedule. I want to go get him whatever else he needs, clothes, or whatever. Then I want to go home and just… be with you.”

“I told you I’m not leaving. We’re going to figure this out. Together.”

“I know that, but it’s more than that. I just got you and now all of this, and you jump in without a moment’s hesitation and take care of things. I want to get him what he needs and take my family home.” The more I let the idea simmer in my mind, the three of us being a family, the more it takes root. I want to build a life with her. And if Milo is my son, then we have a head start but are by no means done.

“Okay.” Her eyes well with tears, and a small smile tilts her lips.