She shivers in my arms.

Pulling back, I place one final soft kiss to her lips. “We need to get moving. I’ll start breakfast while you shower.” Unable to resist, I smack her on the ass lightly before climbing out of bed. I stop at the bathroom to handle my business before making my way downstairs to the kitchen to make my girl some breakfast.

Twenty minutes later, she enters the room. My back is to her, but I can feel the energy shift. “Just in time,” I say, turning.

“How did you know I was here?”

“I feel you, Gabs. I always know where you are.” I shrug as if it’s no big deal, when we both know it’s a very big fucking deal.

“What are we having?” she asks, choosing to ignore my comment.


“Thank you.”

She takes a seat at the island beside me and begins to eat. I finish my food way before she does. “I’m going to grab a shower.” I kiss the top of her head as I stand to place my empty plate in the dishwasher. Dashing back up to my room, I rush through a shower, and dress in basketball shorts and a T-shirt. When I make it back downstairs, I don’t have to look for her or her car in my garage to know she’s already gone. I feel it. Grabbing my keys, wallet, and phone, I make sure the house is locked up and head to work. Glancing at the clock on the dash, I’m running late, which means she was too. Making a quick decision, I pull into the coffee shop she frequents and order her favorite latte, and get Harrison and me the largest they have—straight up black.

I make it to the gym without spilling coffee all over my truck, and grin when I park next to her car. Just like at home. I head straight for her desk as soon as I enter the building. Harrison is standing next to her as they talk about his schedule. I hand him a coffee; he takes a large gulp and keeps on talking. I set hers in front of her, leaning down to kiss her temple. Suddenly, all conversation stops.

“What?” I ask, taking a big sip of my own black morning nectar.

“What did I miss?” Harrison asks.

“You’re welcome for the coffee, fucker.” I grin at him.

“Thanks.” He takes another large swallow. “What did I miss?”

“Nothing yet,” I tell him.

“What was that?” He points at me then at Gabby.

“Nothing.” Gabby quickly discourages him.

“Oh, it was something. My girl here is in denial, but she’ll come around.” I don’t take my eyes off her.

“Chase.” She sighs.

“Hey, man.” My first client of the day waves as he calls out a hello as he passes the door and enters the locker room.

“I gotta get busy.” I trail my fingers over the side of her face before forcing myself to step away from her. Turning, I head toward the locker room. I don’t need to turn around to know Harrison is right behind me. My suspicion is confirmed when his hand lands on my shoulder.

“Come on, man, you can’t just leave me hanging like that. What’s going on?”

“It’s between me and Gabby.”

“She’s my sister-in-law.”

“Well, she’s my future, so I pull trump.”

“Wow,” he says, his eyes wide and his mouth falling open. “That’s some heavy shit.”

“Yeah,” I agree.

“She’s the reason you’ve not been dating.”

I nod. “I was hoping you were too wrapped up in Gwen and my goddaughter to notice.” I should have known better.

He grins. “I like it.”

“I’ve got my work cut out for me.”

“Nothing worth having ever comes easy. Take it from me. Put the work in. It’s worth it and so is she.”

“Plan on it.” My client comes out and I follow him over to the weights. We spend the next two hours training and working out. Not once in that two hours do I not think about her.

“Thanks, man,” John, my client, says. “You kicked my ass.”

“You’re welcome.” I laugh.

“No way would I be this far without your help.”

“That’s what I’m here for, man. Stop by the desk and Gabby will schedule you again if you’re interested.”

“Definitely. I need all the help I can get.” He walks away and I grab the cleaner, wiping down the machines and weights that we used. As I’m tossing the rag in the laundry bin, her laugh echoes throughout the gym. My eyes go to her desk and I see John leaning close, and from the look on his face, he’s making a play for my girl.

Time to squash this shit.

I have long-ass legs. At six foot four, I’m used to towering over everyone. Rarely have I used that as an edge of advantage; today is not one of those days. In a few long strides, I’m standing behind Gabby at her desk with my hands on her shoulders. Leaning in close to her ear, I whisper, “You’re mine.” Her green eyes stare up at me.