Harrison holds his bottle out to me and I clink mine against his. “He’s doing good.” His statement is in between the lines of a question and observation from the tone of his voice.

“Yeah. He jumped right in, and has never looked back.”

“You did a good thing, Callahan.”

“Right, selfishly. I thought he was mine.”

“And you don’t think jumping in to love and care for an infant that was left on your doorstep isn’t a good thing? Hell, you could have blown him off, called the authorities, but you didn’t. You stepped up without knowing. That takes balls, my friend.”

“I had Gabby.”

“That helped, but I know you. You would have done it regardless of Gabby being there.”

“I thought I was going to lose her.”

“Yet, you still did the right thing and look where you are now.”

“What are you two gossiping about over here?” Gwen asks, handing Sophia to Harrison. Not that she has a choice, the little angel was leaning out of her momma’s arms reaching for her daddy.

Fuck, I can’t wait until our baby is here.

“Hey, handsome, is this seat taken?” Gabby asks, perching herself on my lap. My cock starts to stir, more than ready to get to the consummation part of this day.

“Hey now.” She smiles down at me. “We have guests.”

“Send them home.” Heat flares in her gaze. Her head drops until her lips are pressed to mine.

“We can’t do that.”

“It’s our wedding day,” I murmur against her lips.

Her smile is blinding. “Yeah, it’s our wedding day.” She leans into my chest, and I wrap my arms around her waist, holding her close. Nothing could have prepared me for what it would feel like to have her love, to have her in my arms, and for today, the day she took my last name. I can’t wait to live this life with her.Gabby* * *“Dance with me,” I tell my husband.

“Anything for you, my love.” Chase helps me stand, takes me by the hand, and leads me to the makeshift dance area in the middle of the backyard. He’s moving well, thankfully having his cast removed just in time for our wedding. He’s still wearing his moonboot, but it’s much less restricting than the cast.

Today was everything I never even knew I wanted for my wedding. I always saw myself in the big white dress with the long train, walking down the rose-covered aisle in a big church. What I actually have is way better than any of that. I’m wearing a simple ivory gown that hugs my curves. There’s a little lace and a plunging neckline, and the moment Chase saw me walk out of the cabin with my father, I swear his jaw hit the ground.

And let’s talk about how incredibly sexy my new husband is, shall we? He’s wearing dark blue dress pants that fit him like a glove and an ivory dress shirt—untucked and with the sleeves rolled up a bit on his forearms, of course, and my lady parts noticed right away. He looks positively edible, and if I have my way about it, there will definitely be a little mouth-worship happening later tonight.

Chase pulls me into his arms and we sway to the music. I melt against his body as he holds me close, his warm hand positioned at my lower back, while the other slides around and rests on my hip, his thumb gently stroking over the very slight baby bump concealed by my dress.

“Having a good time, Mrs. Callahan?” he asks, the deep timbre of his voice vibrating against my cheek.

“I most certainly am, Mr. Callahan.”

“Good,” he says, spinning me out and then gently pulling me back into his arms.

I can’t help but laugh under the lights of the DJ and stars over our heads shining brightly in the early fall night. “Today has been perfect in every way.”

“Mmm,” he mumbles, inhaling the sweet scent of my shampoo like he does so often.

“Are you smelling your wife?”

“Fuck, I love it when you say that,” he mumbles, sliding his lips along my forehead. “Let’s get out of here so I can worship my wife’s naked body.”

“It’s still early,” I remind him, the same way I’ve been reminding him all night. Chase has pretty much been ready to go since the moment he kissed his bride. Now, he’s even more desperate to get to the rest of our evening. Not that I’m not ready, but I just feel bad for leaving our guests so soon.

I glance over and find my sister and brother-in-law joining us in the middle of the yard. Harrison spins his wife, a wide smile on her face, before he tucks her into his arms. Gwen is wearing a mocha strapless gown that hits just below her knees, while her husband sports navy pants and matching mocha dress shirt, also untucked and with the sleeves rolled up. My sister was salivating when she first saw him.