“Oh, trust me, I remember. I just don’t think me starving is going to help him any. If anything, having a full belly in case I need to jump in and save him or give him a break after is just what the doctor ordered.”

“What kind of doctor are you going to?” she sasses. She turns out of my arms and begins to gather bowls for dinner.

Stepping in behind her, I align my body with hers and press my lips to her neck. “The love doctor,” I whisper. How I say it without laughing is beyond me.

“No. Just no.” She chuckles, pushing her ass back to try and shove me away. It does nothing but turn me on.

“Come here.” I wrap my arm around her waist and lift her in the air. We’re both laughing as she tries to get free.

“I can’t leave you two alone not even for five minutes.” Colt shakes his head and grins.

“Hey,” Gabby greets him as I set her back on her feet, keeping her close. “Looks like you made it out alive,” she teases.

“Yep. Bath time was a success. Now it’s time for a bottle and lights out for this little guy.”

“I made dinner. Why don’t you let me hold him while you and Chase eat?”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know, but soon enough, you’re going to be a one-man show. Not that we won’t be there to help, but when you’re living on your own, these kinds of breaks are few and far between. Besides, I miss him.” She doesn’t give him time to say no. Stepping out of my hold, she takes Milo from his arms.

I watch her as she lifts him to her face and breathes in his baby smell. Yeah, a few weeks ago I would have called her crazy. In fact, I’m pretty sure I did tell Harrison he was a few fries short of a Happy Meal when he told me the same thing.

“Come on, buddy. Let’s go catch up while Daddy and Uncle Chase eat dinner.” She disappears into the living room.

“You gonna nail that down?” my brother asks. “Set a date and all that.”


“What are you waiting for?”

“Her ring to come in.” He raises his eyebrows in question. “I had to have it sized, and I added an engraving.”

“Look at you, my little brother going all soft.”

“Only for Gabby. Well, and Milo, and our baby.”

“How do you feel about that? Being a dad for real this time?” he asks, taking a big bite of his chicken and rice.

“I don’t know that I can find the words to describe it.”

“Yeah,” he agrees.

“It helps, you know? I thought Milo was mine. I had accepted it and grown to love the fact that I was a father. In such a short amount of time, that little man of yours stole our hearts.”

“She was sticking around, no matter what?”

“Yeah. I admit that first night, I begged her to stay, not because I needed her help but because I’ve wanted her for years and she was finally mine. We were finally on the same page and then bam, the doorbell rings, and suddenly I’m responsible for an infant.”

“She’s one of the good ones.”

“She is. Now we just need to find you one, and we can all live happily ever after.”

He shrugs. “Sure, one day. Right now, I need to figure out what I need to do to get full custody, find a job, and a place to live.”

“You have a place to live as long as you need it.”

“Thanks, brother.”

We make small talk about nothing really important while we finish eating. I miss my brother. They say everything happens for a reason, and I’m starting to believe that. Milo made me see what I want out of my life, my life with Gabby and our baby. More babies. He brought my brother home, for good. In a way, he brought me and Gabby closer together. We know we make a good team, and I can’t wait to experience more sleepless nights and Peegates with her. Milo might just be the best thing that ever happened to both of us.It’s Saturday afternoon, and tonight is date night. We’ve only ever been on one date without Milo, so tonight I’m pulling out all the stops. I’m spoiling my girl.

“Why won’t you tell me where we’re going?” Gabby asks. We’re lounging on the couch while some movie plays in the background that neither one of us is paying attention to. That’s my fault because I can’t seem to keep my hands or my lips off her.

“It’s a surprise.”

“But I promise it will still be great if you just tell me.” She rubs her hands over my cock where it presses painfully against the zipper of my jeans.

“Not happening, Gabs. The car will be here at six. That’s all I’m telling you.”