“I’m not mad at you. We weren’t together, Chase. Hell, if anything, I’m mad at myself. I fought the attraction I felt for you for way too long. Maybe… maybe if I’d pulled my head out of my ass sooner and admitted what was really between us wasn’t hate at all, things would be different.”

“Maybe, but I was just as bad. I could have sat you down and took time to be serious and tell you how I felt about you. I’m just as much to blame in that regard.”

“Yeah,” she says softly, her eyes raking over my son. “But then we wouldn’t have this little guy. And no matter how much we hate the circumstances, we love him,” she says, leaning in and kissing the top of his little head.

Lifting my arm, she slides up next to me, resting her head against my shoulder. I pull her close and everything is right in my world. I have the love of my life, and my son, what more could a man ask for?

“We should give him his bath and get him to bed. You did promise me dessert, after all.”

“I believe we agreed that you would be my dessert.”

“Then we better get to it.” She pulls away and I stand with Milo in my arms. “Time for a bath, buddy. Your old man has some dessert to eat. Trust me on this, it’s not something you want Daddy to miss out on.” I pretend to be whispering, but I know she can hear me. I hear her snort a laugh, and my smile grows wide.

In my room, I lay him on the bed and strip him to his diaper. Gabby hands me a small blanket. “Thanks. I should have grabbed that before I stripped him down.”

“I know he hates to be cold. Why are you leaving his diaper on?”

“Like you have to ask. Do you not remember Peegate?” I ask her.

“Peegate?” she repeats, barely able to contain her laughter.

“Don’t act like you don’t remember,” I tell her.

She throws her head back and laughs. “I think I need a refresher,” she says through spurts of laughter.

“If that’s how you want to play it.” I look down at Milo. “Tell Gabby about the time I was giving you a bath. I wanted to do it on my own as I needed to learn to take care of you. Well, I stripped you down and held you to my chest. As soon as I got you pressed against me, you pissed all over me.” Hell, it’s even hard for me not to smile retelling the story—now that it’s over. “You remember, right, Milo? The way Gabby heard me cussing and came running into the room, thinking I’d hurt you or something? Then, she fell onto the bed laughing at me? She says she doesn’t remember.” I scoff playfully.

“I still wish I would have captured that moment,” she says, wiping tears from her eyes.

“We agreed pictures to embarrass him when he gets older, not me.” Looking back to just a few days ago, it’s already hilarious. In ten, fifteen, twenty years, it will be even funnier.

“You need some help?” she asks.

“Nah, I think I’ve got it, but you can keep us company.” I nod toward the bathroom and she follows us inside. I place the baby tub on the sink and start the water. Grabbing the little duck from the counter that tests the temperature, I hold it under the stream until the temperature is just right, then begin to fill the tub.

“At least let me hold him while you do that.” She stands from her seat on the toilet and takes him from me. “Are you ready for your bath? You’re going to be all clean and relaxed. Then you get a bottle and get your belly full and you’re going to sleep all night long. Right?” she asks him.

“You’re dreaming, Gabs.” I hold my hands out for him. “Come on, buddy. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

“Take his diaper off first and then take him, that will be easier,” Gabby suggests.

It’s a solid plan, so I unwrap him and take off his diaper, tossing it in the trash and then taking him from her. I place him in the small tub and he shivers. “I know, buddy, you’re not a fan, but we have to do this. It’s an everyday deal. Bathing. You might as well get used to it,” I tell him. I take the small cup with a duck on it and pour some water over his belly. I’m leaning over him, so I don’t notice at first until I feel the warmth. I look down to confirm my suspicion and warm spray hits my cheek. “Son of a bitch.” I pull out of the line of fire.

“Oh my God!” Gabby slaps her hands over her mouth to conceal her laughter.