His eyes burn with the intensity I’ll always associate with Chase Callahan. He nods, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. “Yeah.”

“You said that you loved me, even though we’ve only been together for about forty-eight hours.”

“I’ve loved you so much longer than that, Gabby.”

I nod. “I’m still figuring out what’s going on in my head, Chase. When I finally say those words, it’ll be because I know in my heart that the person I’m saying them to is the one I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with. I’ve never said them before and I want to know they’re for the right person, for the right reasons.”

“I get that. That’s why I insisted you not say them back,” he says, pulling me tightly against his chest. His cock is already starting to thicken again, which makes my mouth water for a taste. “And just for the record, I haven’t said it before either.”

Something swells in my chest when I think about what he just said. Knowing that Chase has saved those three little words for me means more than he’ll ever know. It also confirms that I need to have my head on straight so when I do finally say them back, they mean just as much to him as they do to me. And yes, I’m certain he’ll be the recipient of my very first love declaration. There’s no other man who makes me this crazy with rage and lust all at the same time. It must be fate.

“My point was that I know you’d never be cavalier with those words, just like I know you’d never be cavalier with me. So don’t beat yourself up on the whole condom thing, okay? I could have stopped us at any point too, to make sure we were covered.”

He seems to sober at my words, understanding the honesty and trust I’ve placed in them. But as quickly as that look of belief crosses his face, it’s replaced by something a bit cockier. “I’m pretty sure you couldn’t have told me your own name, let alone stopped us to put on protection.”

Rolling my eyes, I feel his cock flex against my core. “So cocky,” I tease, rolling my hips and sliding easily against him.

Chase growls, his hands dropping to grip my ass. They flex and squeeze as he rocks his own hips, his hard length applying pressure to my clit. “I’ll show you cocky, Gabrielle.”

Just as I’m about to rise up and take him completely once more, a soft whimper pierces the room, reminding us that we’re not alone. “Shit,” I whisper.

We both still, waiting to see if Milo will return to his dream state. In the silence, I can hear him wiggling in his soft blanket cocoon, and I can already tell this isn’t going to end with the second orgasm I’m hoping for.

The cry is loud, putting an end to naked time. Chase exhales, kisses my forehead, and reaches for his discarded shorts. I scramble for my tank top and shorts, pretty sure they’re on backward and inside out in my hurry to dress. Chase has Milo in his arms, gently rocking him back and forth. When I reach their side, I find the sweet baby wide awake and very much alert. Chase and I share a look, and something tells me this is going to be a very long night.“A baby shows up on your doorstep, and you don’t think that warrants a call?”

I knew I needed to call Gwen, but just haven’t had time. Nor really knew what to say. Now, there’s no denying the conversation and the important questions I’m sure she’s going to hurl at me like grenades.

Gwen pushes past me at the door, my happy niece, Sophia, perched on her hip. “Come on in,” I mutter, shutting the front door behind her.

My sister puts my niece down in the middle of the living room with a teether and turns my way. “Spill. And don’t leave anything out.”

“Do you want some coffee? It was a long night,” I mumble, noticing it’s barely after eight. Chase left for work at seven after a little argument. He wanted to cancel his day again, but I wouldn’t let him. His income relies on going to the gym and seeing his clients. My work is a little more flexible right now, and I have the ability to log in to the server with Chase’s computer and still get work done. He grumbled a little, hating that the responsibility of taking care of Milo was falling on me, but I was adamant. He was needed there today, and I’m needed here.

“No, I’ve already had three cups,” my sister says, following me to the doorway of the kitchen so she can keep an eye on her daughter in the living room.