“Gwen,” I start, closing my eyes for a few seconds to gather my thoughts. “Listen, I get that you think me and Chase together would be a good thing, but I’m here to tell you, it would not. It would make things too complicated. Plus, he’s a major player, and I just don’t want to get myself tangled up in that mess.”

Gwen scrunches up her nose. “But, here’s the thing, Gabby. I don’t really think he’s a player. Not really. I think he wants to give off that playboy, bad-boy vibe, but do you know what? Even though he’s always talking about going out and girls, I don’t think there really are any. At least none that he takes home. In fact, Harrison pretty much eluded to that fact not so long ago.”

My mind is spinning as I recall his words from last week.

“I just think if you two like each other, you should see where it goes,” she adds with a shrug.

“But we don’t like each other, not really. We argue and fight all the damn time.”



Gwen rolls her eyes. “That’s foreplay, little sister. You two have been dancing around it for years. Don’t deny it.”

I open my mouth to do just that, but quickly snap it shut. She’s right. We’ve been dancing around this crazy sexual tension for a while, but neither of us have acted upon it. Not until recently. Now, we haven’t acted on anything, but Chase point-blank stated what his intentions were. Of course, I shot him down, declaring all we’d ever be was friends, but even I’m not so sure that’s accurate, because at the end of the day, my body still fires to life and a deep-rooted need takes hold whenever he’s around.

I’ll just have to build a thicker wall between us.

“I’m not saying you should jump into bed with him tonight, though if you do that, you better call me in the morning. What I’m saying is don’t completely discount the idea of exploring those feelings between each other because you think he’s some big partier who screws everyone with a vagina. Honestly, I don’t think he is,” she says with another shrug.

Giving her a quick hug, I reply, “I’ll think about it.”

She wraps her arms around me and squeezes back. “That’s all I can ask for, I guess.”

“I’ll see you later.” I wave as I head into the gym, the deep pump of bass and the clanking of weights greeting me at the door.

I promised I’d think about it, but I know I won’t. I can’t. I can’t let myself get caught up in the idea of Chase and me. Nor can I keep picturing the impressive size of his bone and what skills he’s sure to have between the sheets. No, I need to push all thoughts of my new roommate out of my head for now—and for good.As soon as Chase walks into the gym, I know I’m screwed.

The whole “I’m not going to think about Chase or his cock” thing didn’t go so well this afternoon. In fact, the more I tried not to think about it, the more I thought about it. And holy hell, my overactive imagination has had a great afternoon. She could use a cigarette, actually. Now, I have to spend the next hour with the man, trapped in a small space, with his body dangerously close to mine, and all I can think about is screwing him.


On the gym floor.

Riding him like a prized bull.

Letting him take me from behind against my desk.

Dropping to my knees as he grips my hair and fucks my mouth.

Yeah, it’s been a long afternoon.

I’m horny, wet, and now I have to spend the next hour being trained by the man I’ve been fantasizing about. Welcome to hell, population one.

I try to ignore the way every woman in the gym notices him. Some just openly watch him walk, while others do something a little bolder, like bend over and touch their toes right in front of him, ass pointing skyward, as if being offered to him on a platter. He doesn’t seem to notice, though. Oh no, his eyes are focused completely on me as he makes his way to where I stand on shaky legs.

“Hey,” he croons, his deep voice all gravelly and raw.

My mind instantly flashes to sex.

So. Much. Sex.

“Hi,” I croak in a voice that barely sounds like my own.

Get yourself together, Gabrielle.

His eyes darken as if he can read my mind. I quickly avert my eyes and glance around the gym. “So, what do you have planned for me today?” I ask, looking anywhere but at him.

“Oh, I have a special treat for you, Gabs. You’re about to get a hard workout,” he quips, that cocky smirk teasing his lips, and all I can think about is how he used the words hard and workout together in a sentence. “Come with me,” he adds, sticking his hand out for me to take.