My favorite house.

I’m sure my face is quite hilarious as I watch the third garage door open and his truck backs partway into the bay. Harrison backs in next, his truck stopping in front of the middle door, so I go ahead and slowly pull in front of the first door and stop my car.

“Seriously?” I ask, in complete shock and awe as realization really sets in. Chase owns this house? It’s my absolute favorite in the entire town, and Jerkface owns it?

Sliding out of my car, I take in the big wooden front door and the large bay window. I can see inside the dining room from where I stand and am instantly in love. I can’t believe I’m actually going to be staying here for the next few weeks.

“You okay?” Chase asks, concern evident in his voice.

“Oh, yeah. You live here?” I ask dumbly, glancing from the amazing front porch to him. He’s standing there, his hands in his pockets and a sheepish grin on his face.

“I bought it a couple years ago and have been fixing it up.” He smiles. “I’ve always loved this house,” he adds, looking over my shoulder.

“Me too,” I whisper and glance back at the front of the beautiful house.

“The neighborhood is pretty awesome. No one bothers me or the house, though some of the kids like to play catch in the lot next door. They asked permission one afternoon while I was mowing. I actually stopped what I was doing, went into the garage and dug out my glove, and went and played with them. The mowing had to wait until the next weekend,” he says absently, the corner of his lips turned upward as he remembers.

“That’s nice,” I reply, looking over at the empty lot and picturing those boys over there playing ball.

“Well, we better get these trucks unloaded and then I’ll give you the tour,” he says, heading back to the garage.

I notice the potted plant sitting by the front door with a welcome sign beside it. I didn’t even notice the burnt red porch swing when I first glanced, but I see it now and it calls to me. I picture myself sitting on that swing in the evenings, watching the sun start to set. Yes, I can even see Chase sitting there beside me, a goofy smile on his face as his long, muscular legs slowly swing us back and forth.

My heart starts to pound and my tough-as-nails exterior cracks just a little bit more.Chapter FourChase 4* * *Setting the last box against the wall in one of the spare bedrooms, I glance over at Gabby. She’s standing next to the queen-size bed, blowing out a puff of air that sends her hair flying out of her eyes. I can’t believe I was able to convince her to stay with me. I was prepared for weeks of cramped-up sleep on her couch, but this is so much better. I still won’t be getting much sleep, not knowing she’s just down the hall from me. It’s going to be the sweetest form of torture. At least I’ll have the softness of my king-size bed instead of her lumpy old couch.

“Ready for the tour?” I ask her.

“Definitely.” She turns to face me. “Thank you, Chase,” she says quietly. “I know this is an imposition, and I appreciate it very much. I’ll be out of your hair as soon as I can.”

I wave off her thanks. She has no idea that having her here is more than I could have hoped. Well, I take that back. She could be staying in my room, in my bed with me. We can’t win them all. Besides, slow and steady wins the race. This is my chance to show her that her preconceived idea of me is off. Way off. She completely missed the mark. “There are three bedrooms up here and two full bathrooms. At the end of the hall, there’s a linen closet. Extra blankets, sheets, and pillows. Help yourself to whatever you need.” As we pass each room, I push open the door allowing her to peek inside.

“I’ve always loved this house.” We move on down the hall to the next bedroom. “These two are empty,” she says.

“Yeah, I don’t really have many guests. I envision these being kids’ rooms. The sun sets on this side of the house, so no waking up the kiddos in the early morning.” I flash her a grin. “More Mom and Dad sleepy time.” Her mouth falls open. “What?” I ask.

“Y-You think about having kids?”

“Sure, doesn’t everyone?”

“No.” She shakes her head adamantly. “No, everyone does not.”

“You telling me you don’t want kids?” I don’t know how I feel about that. Sure, I don’t have any right now, but one day I’d like to be a father. I’m not opposed to those kids being with Gabby. But if she doesn’t want kids… I’m not sure.