“You don’t need to,” Chase says absently, continuing to load my pots and pans.

“No, I do. I don’t have anywhere to keep this stuff,” I argue.

Harrison just smirks as he takes out another box, leaving Chase and me in the kitchen. “I have some room. You can store it at my place. Don’t waste your money on a storage unit.”

I consider my options. It would be handy to have my stuff readily available at Chase’s, but that doesn’t mean I want to fill up his place with a bunch of crap we don’t need right now. Of course, I’ll only be with him a couple of weeks, so maybe renting a storage unit is just a waste of time and money.

“Are you sure?”

“Trust me, Gabs. I have plenty of room,” he says as he loads up another box.

When Harrison’s truck is full too, we all meet in the kitchen. “Let’s clear out food and furniture tomorrow night,” Harrison says, wiping sweat from his brow.

“I really appreciate this,” I tell him, so thankful that I have their help. I couldn’t imagine trying to move my entire apartment by myself.

“Come on. Let’s get this stuff over to my place. We’ll stop and grab your car on the way,” Chase says, turning off the lights.

I grab my purse and phone and head toward the door. With a quick glance over my shoulder, I take a deep breath and close the door. My entire life is in boxes and apparently heading to Chase’s for storage. I still don’t believe him that he has all this extra space, but whatever. I guess if he doesn’t mind all the extra stuff, why should I?

When I’m buckled in the passenger seat of his truck, I finally broach the subject of rent. “So, how much rent do you want?”

“None,” he says, pulling slowly out onto the street.

“Chase, don’t be stupid. I’m going to pay you,” I argue, instantly annoyed that he’s being so nonchalant.

“I don’t need your money, Gabrielle,” he says bluntly, turning and heading toward the coffee shop parking lot.

“Well, you’re getting it anyway. I’m not staying for free,” I maintain, crossing my arms over my chest.

His eyes dart quickly from the road to my chest, causing warmth to spread through my veins. “I’m helping you out, right? That’s what friends do.”

“Yeah, but…” I start but trail off. In a way, he’s right. I know my friends would put me up in the guest bedroom (if they had one) for no rent money. But there’s something about living with Chase that says I need to pay the money. If I pay the money, then it’s a business transaction and I’ll have an easier time deflecting his advances, right?


“No, I’m paying. Pick a number and I’ll pay.”

He pulls into the small lot where my car is parked. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?” He exhales the words, putting his beast of a truck in Park.


“Fine. Ten dollars.”

“A day?”

“No, just ten dollars total.”

“Chase, that’s dumb. The room is worth more than ten dollars. I could be there for up to three weeks. I’m paying you more than ten bucks,” I insist.

“Pay me whatever you want then, Gabby.” He huffs, exhaling. “But I’m not charging you.”

“I’ll pay the ten dollars a day,” I contend.

Chase rolls his eyes. “Whatever.”

“I’ll follow you,” I say as I slide out of his truck. He makes a noise but doesn’t comment further.

Using the key Harrison returned before we left, I slide into my car and cross my fingers. It fires to life immediately. Smiling, I back out of my spot and jump in at the end of the truck train. I follow along, watching my surroundings as we head to Chase’s place. I’m pleasantly surprised when we turn off Main Street and drive toward the hospital. This is a pretty nice area, the houses older, but well maintained. My favorite house is actually down this way. It’s at the end of a cul-de-sac with an empty lot beside it. I was told the new owner purchased the house and the lot a few years back.

Lucky bastards.

I’ve always loved that house. It’s huge with its four bedrooms and four baths. There’s a three-car attached garage and a large wraparound porch. Oh, don’t get me wrong, the house needs some work. The last time I was down this way, it was in desperate need of a fresh coat of paint and some landscaping, and even though I’ve never been inside the place, I always envisioned it to have an open-floor plan and lots of space for a family. Plus, it has a view of the lake behind it, which I’ve always loved.

Pulling myself from my daydream, I’m surprised when the guys pull down the cul-de-sac. Chase lives down here? I’m even more shocked when they pause and Chase backs his truck into a driveway. Not just any driveway, either.