“So, what exactly is your plan?” Nate asks.

“I’m not sure yet,” I admit.

I glance at the guard, who scans both of us. He ushers me through, but he insists Nate hand over his phone first. With a roll of his eyes, Nate obliges, placing it in the guards hand. As we’re walking off, I see the guard wink at Nate.

“What was that?” I hiss, when we’re far enough away not to be overheard.

“My phone may or may not find it’s way back to my room,” is all he’ll say.

I shake my head. I guess that explains that. I don’t even want to know what that’s costing him.

I’m still nervous as we walk through the back wing of the main building, even though this part of the building hasn’t been used in years. My biggest worry was getting past the reporters, but now that we’re inside, I’m no more relaxed.

All I can think about is that fucking bellboy and his bullshit claims. I know that should be the least of my worries, considering the scale of everything else, but I can’t help it. The idea of being the focus of everyone’s gossip makes me feel sick.

At least nobody knows it’s me. Let’s just hope it stays that way.

“So what now?” Nate asks, as we push through the doors and into one of the small courtyards.

I shrug. “I guess we go and find Luke hope like heck he’ll listen?”

Nate laughs. “Okay, but don’t you think we should get our story straight first?”

“You’re right.” I nod in agreement. “This will be a whole lot easier if I speak to him on my own.”

“Well, that’s not quite what I meant—” He stops when I take his hand and lead him over to the gardening shed. He frowns as I push him inside. “You expect me to wait here?”

I nod. “Yep. Unless you want to land Brix in a whole lot more trouble than he needs to be in?” I give him a reassuring smile as I ease the door shut. “I won’t be long. Trust me. I’ll sort this out,” I whisper through the crack.

“Fine, just don’t lock me in here,” he calls out.

I grin and reach for the latch. I hadn’t even thought of that.I walk inside the main building, keeping an eye out for Luke, but all I get is Lisa and a whole lot of bad attitude. I groan, because she’s the last person I want to deal with right now.

“Bout time you showed your face,” she sneers, falling into step behind me. “What did you do to turn him gay? Flash yourself?”

I turn around and glare at her, wanting so badly to wipe that smirk off her face, but I’m in enough trouble as it is without adding another altercation to the list. I take a deep breath and do my best to ignore her.

It turns out that not reacting is the best way to piss her off.

“No comment, huh? Things must be bad. And they’re about to get a whole lot worse. I saw Luke photocopying job application forms before,” she announces. “He’s no doubt preparing to replace you.”

I stiffen, but I keep walking until I reach Luke’s office. I turn around and give her a little wave as I push through the door.

“Bye, Lisa,” I say.

Luke’s office door is closed and his assistant is nowhere to be found.

Maybe he’s gone home?

I snort, knowing that’s unlikely. I rap lightly on the door, half hoping he’s not in there. When he calls out for me to come in, my heart starts racing.

This is it. My first official firing.

He looks up when I open the door. I smile as I slink down into the chair. He doesn’t look annoyed. Or surprised to see me. Or upset, for that matter. He looks calmer and more composed than I think I’ve ever seen him. I’m not sure if that’s good news for me or not.

“You wanted to see me?” I say, my voice one notch below a squeak.

He nods. “I think you know what this is about.”

“I’d like to say something first—”

“No.” He cuts me off. “For once, just sit there and listen. Got it?”

Nodding, I bow my head, trying to prepare myself for the word lashing I know I’m about to receive. I’m already weighing up what I’ll say to my mother.

Luke clears his throat. “Hannah, I need to ask—”

“Luke, can we hurry this along?” I ask, cutting him off. “I’m sorry, but it’s been a shit of a day and I just want to go home. Since you’re obviously going to fire me anyway—"

“Fire you?” He looks at me like I’m crazy.

“That’s not why I’m here?” I frown at him. “But you won’t even let me explain.”

“Because Brix already did it for you.”

Say what?

Luke nods. “You literally just missed him.”

I take a deep breath and hold onto it.