“That’s normal for abuse sufferers,” Hannah says in a soft voice.

I nod. I’d never considered myself a victim, but I guess that’s what we were.

I guess I always thought things could be worse. It was mostly verbal abuse that was thrown at us, and the odd beating or two. Things could’ve been much worse, but maybe part of the problem is I’ve been underplaying how bad things were for us.

“I never, not even for a second, considered that my father could be capable of doing what he did,” I admit.

“Does it make you doubt everyone else?” Hannah asks.

I nod. “For sure. There’s always that seed of doubt in the back of your mind, making you ask yourself what if I’m wrong? I don’t think Brix would harm himself, but let’s face it. I know you better than I know him these days.”

“Okay, so now what? He’s obviously not here, so…” She shrugs and looks at me, waiting for me to say something.

“I guess we go back to the clinic before Luke loses his shit,” I say, feeling dejected.

I don’t know what else to do, and short of getting Brix into even more trouble, I don’t have much choice. I laugh, because I don’t even know for sure if he is in trouble.

He does shit like this all the freaking time. He’ll probably turn up in a day or two—or a conveniently timed five weeks, laugh it off and it will be seeing you in another six months. The number of times he’s fucked me over in the past, why is this time so different?

I don’t know. I can’t explain why, but this time is different.

“Uh, it might be too late to avoid Luke’s wrath, because I just turned my phone on,” Hannah murmurs. She winces as she shows me her phone and the six waiting voicemails, all from Luke. “You know what?” I raise my eyebrows at her as she switches it off. “I can’t help it if my car broke down in the middle of nowhere and I didn’t have mobile service, right?”

“Are you sure you want to do that?” I ask. She nods and sits back down on the couch. I smirk, because I have to admit, seeing the devilish side to her is a huge turn on. “Okay. Then I guess we’ll hang out here and wait to see if he shows up.”

“Any ideas how we can fill in the time?”

“Sit here and talk?” I shrug. “I was really enjoying this little thing we had going on the last time we were alone. Until you abruptly decided to end it.”

“Hey, you were a patient, remember?” she reminds me. “Don’t make me feel bad. I’m still angry at you for lying to me.”

“Am I a patient now?” I ask.

“Technically? Yes. But I guess you’re not really one,” she concedes.

“So, your whole argument for not seeing me is now irrelevant. Correct?”

“Sure. If you discount the fact you lied to me,” she retorts. “Which I haven’t.”

“I think we can get past that, can’t we?” I reason.

“You’ll need to do some serious groveling,” she warns.

“Come here,” I say, motioning for her to join me.

She narrows her eyes at me, but she stands up and walks over to where I sit on the couch. She places one leg on either side of me so she’s straddling me, then wraps her arms around my neck. I tug her forward until our lips meet.

“Let the groveling begin,” she grins. “Although, making out here feels kind of wrong. What if he walks in?”

“You’d be used to that, wouldn’t you?”

“Hey,” she growls, laughing.

I kiss her again, sweeping the hair away from her face so I can find her neck. She sighs, her fingers gently digging into my scalp as she rocks against me. I’m hard as fuck and the only thing on my mind is her and exploring her body.

She gasps, taken by surprise when I get to my feet, her still in my arms.

“You’re stronger than you look,” she breathes.

“Must be all that crawling under cars I do,” I whisper in her ear. “I’m kinda bummed you’ve forgiven me so easily. I was looking forward to some angry sex.”

“Who said I’ve forgiven you?” she teases.

I kiss her, then head toward the stairs, managing two at a time, even with Hannah in my arms.

“Upstairs?” she questions as I carry her upstairs. “The couch is too weird so you’re taking me to his bed?” she jokes.

“No, you smartass,” I say, chuckling. I kiss her nose, because it’s irresistible. “This place is so huge, I figure there has to be a spare room somewhere.”

Upstairs, I poke my head into each room until I find what looks like the spare bedroom. Satisfied we’ll get enough warning if Brix does come back, I toss her down on the bed. She smiles as I crawl over her, propping myself up above her as I run my fingers over her soft skin, the way she squirms against my touch is enough to drive me crazy. Every glimpse I catch of the black satin bra holding those perfectly round breasts in place makes me stiffer.