I shake my head and try to move away, but he won’t let me. He leans closer until his lips are almost on mine, his eyes not leaving mine for a second. My heart thumps. I’m frozen on the spot, wanting nothing more in that moment than for him to kiss me. I jump when his fingers graze past mine as he pulls me further into his embrace. His hands are warm and his skin is softer than I’d imagined—not that I spend my nights fantasizing over him touching me. Though I probably will be now.

“Are you going to kiss me or not?” I work up the courage to ask.

He edges closer, until I can feel his breath against my skin, but just as his mouth touches mine. He pulls away. I look at him, confused. What the hell went wrong?

“Max has wonderful timing,” he murmurs.

I look past Brix, at the old pick up truck that’s slowing to a stop in front of my car. Now it makes sense. Max, who looks around Brix’s age, jumps out as I wrangle myself out of Brix’s arms.

“Sorry to interrupt you guys. I can go and do a few laps if you want some privacy?” He suggests. He winks at me, then turns to Brix. I stiffen when I see him mouth the words “is this her” to him .

I narrow my eyes at Brix. He told his friends about what happened? God, I’m so embarrassed. I can only imagine what the guy thinks of me.

“Thanks, but we’re good,” Brix assures him. “Are you going to help me hook this thing up, or what?” he adds. He seems panicked about something.

Probably the fact that I know he told his friends.

“Keep your panties on.” Max swaggers over to me. “I just want to say hi to your friend first. Aren’t you going to introduce us?” he adds, smiling at me.

“Yeah, this is Hannah. She’s one of my nurses at the rehab center.”

“Rehab, what the heck…” He stops, his gaze shifting from me to Brix.

“It’s hell being in there, man, but at least they’re letting me out, you know?” Brix rubs the back of his neck. “We’re on our way to a meeting with my management team about the next album.”

I frown at Brix, not sure what his problem is. The words keep pouring out of his mouth and poor Max can’t get a word in. I study Brix’s expression. It’s like he’s nervous about something, like me finding out he and his friends have been laughing about me behind my back. I bet they found it hilarious that I’m a nurse at the rehab clinic he ended up in.

“When’s that album releasing again?” Max asks, his eyes gleaming. “I want to make sure I get a copy.” He turns to me and offers me his hand. I take it, but only to because I don’t want to cause a scene. I think I’ve done enough of that lately. “Nice to meet you, Hannah. Sorry if I seem vague. I forgot Brix was even in rehab.”

“Great to meet you too,” I say. His eyebrows lift at my harsh tone, but I ignore him and walk off. I stand at the back of my car with my arms crossed and a scowl planted on my lips, watching as the two of them hook up my car to the truck. Brix looks over and gives me an apologetic smile, but I don’t return it.

I’m glad Max turned up when he did, before I made an even bigger fool of myself. I shift my stance so I’m facing away, hoping he gets the message that I’m pissed off at him. When they’re finally done, I jump in the truck without a word to either of them and buckle myself in. I brace myself when the two guys climb in, one on either side of me. It’s a tight squeeze, but we all manage to fit. Although at this point, I’d rather ride on the roof.

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Max says. I sigh, because this guy can’t take a hint that I’m not interested in his small talk. I snap my head around and glower at him.

“You have? I doubt much of it is accurate.”

I spy a set of earphones in the compartment in front of me. I don’t care who’s they are, I just need to get away from this conversation. I reach forward, snatch them up, and plug them into my phone. Brix watches me, amused, so I turn to him and scowl.

“You’re an asshole and so is your friend,” I growl, shoving the buds in my ears. “Now both of you, stop talking to me.”

I close my eyes, but not before I catch them exchanging a look, which only infuriates me more. I turn the volume up as high as possible to drown them out. I don't care what they’re saying about me. They’re both idiots as far as I’m concerned.