When I’ve parked the car, I get out and make my way over to the entrance, not bothering to wait for him. He calls after me, but I don’t stop, not even when he’s beside me.

“Remind me never to lend you my car,” he comments.

“What?” I say, not getting it.

“You didn’t lock it,” he reminds me. “That’s pretty careless is all I’m saying. Especially when there’s some pretty dodgy looking character’s around here.”

I sigh and turn around, ignoring his chuckles as I walk close enough to hit the lock button on the remote. By the time I make up ground, he’s already going through security. I laugh at the sight of Brix arguing with the guard, who is holding up his phone. He looks up and narrows his eyes when he sees me laughing.

“All arranged, huh?” I tease when I reach him.

He shrugs. “It was. Not my fault the guard doesn’t have a clue.” He gives me a hopeful look. “Any chance you can get that back for me? I kind of need it.”

“Yeah and I kind of need my job,” I retort. “Sorry. You’re on your own.”

“Thanks for nothing,” he grumbles. He glances down the hallway, his expression uncertain. I study him, wondering what the problem is this time. “Hey, can you remind me what way my room is?”

I frown. Is he serious? Apparently yes.

“See Kathy over there?” I say, pointing him to the administration desk.

“Thanks, Hannah. I guess I’ll see you around,” he says, winking at me.

I hurry down to the staffroom to clock out before I’m roped into doing a double shift, then I leave through the back exit. I don’t let myself relax until I’m safely inside Lou’s car. I start the engine, shitting myself when Brix’s voice blares out from the speakers. What the hell? Frowning, I lean over to change the station, but it’s on CD. I bite back a smile. He must have switched it back after I got out of the car. He’s such a smartass.

And I still want to kill Lou.Chapter 10NateI don’t know why I agreed to this.

I’ve only been in here for a few hours and I’ve had more therapy than I’ve had in my life. First, it was group therapy, then it was one-on-one with a counselor, now I have to sit through another session with the psychiatrist? What the fuck is this place?

I’m not sure what I was expecting when I said yes to Brix. Some rich retreat that calls itself rehab, maybe? Whatever I thought this was going to be like, I can already tell I was way off the mark.

“So, Brix. Have you given any more thought about what we spoke about in our last session?”

I glance at the sign sitting on the large desk between me and the good doctor.

Luke Benson. The only Luke I ever knew was in high school. My brother and his friends used to shove that kid into his locker and leave him there all day. I study the doctor again and give a slight nod.

Yep. He looks like a Luke.

He raises his eyebrows at me from over the top of his wire-rimmed glasses. I shift awkwardly in my seat under the intensity of his stare, remembering that he’s waiting for me to answer his question.

“I can honestly say I haven’t given it any more thought,” I finally say.

“Then maybe now is a good time to do it,” he suggests.

I knew he was going to say that.

This whole situation is fucked up. I’ve been doing my best to give vague answers to questions people ask me, but I feel like I’m already fucking this all up. I can only wing it for so long before I really put my foot in it.

The only upside is the end result is going to land on Brix and not me.

“Brix?” Doctor Luke prompts, snapping me back to reality.

I shrug. “I guess I’m still trying to weigh up the pros and cons of it all,” I say, rubbing my jaw thoughtfully.

He raises his eyebrows at me. “The pros and cons of what, exactly? What your revelation would do to your career, or to your relationship with your brother?”

My ears prick up. I’m surprised I’m important enough for my brother to bother having a conversation about me, especially to a therapist. Not only that, revelations aren’t something I’d usually associate with Brix. He’s the most laid-back, go with the flow kind of guy I’ve ever met.

“Both, I guess,” I finally say.

Doctor Luke nods as he scribbles away in his notebook. I get the sudden urge to rip it from his hands so I can understand what the fuck is going on in my brother’s head. Would he let me read it if I asked him? He doesn’t know I’m not Brix. I’m pretty sure the answer would still be no, though. I shift my attention from his scribbling to his face.