“No need to be an ass,” I growl. “Back then is nothing compared to things now. Do you have any idea how many times I’ve been mobbed by your fans, who assume I’m you?”

“What do you say?” Brix asks with a laugh.

“I gave up correcting them years ago,” I admit. “It’s easier just to sign your name and let them think I’m you.”

“And you secretly love it,” he grins. “Admit it.”

“No, trust me, I don’t,” I grumble. “Anyway, why are you here?”

“I need your help,” he admits.

“I know. Kitty told me.”

“You don’t have to be such an ass to her, you know,” he says.

“How about I stop being an ass when you grow a dick and ask me yourself for my help instead of sending her to do your dirty work?” I suggest. “And you’re calling me an asshole? It’s been six months since I last heard from you. Didn’t your mother ever teach you it’s rude not to call your family?”

“You know damn well she didn’t,” he replies with a chuckle. He walks over and slaps me on the back. “For what it’s worth, I’ve missed you, man.”

“It’s worth very little, actually,” I say, his casual attitude pissing me off even more. “I’ve been here the whole time, Brix.”

“I know. I’ve been meaning to catch up, but…” His voice trails off.

“Life got in the way?” I supply.

He shrugs. “You know how it is. Well, actually, you don’t know, but I’m here now, aren’t I?”

“Because you need something,” I point out.

He sighs. “Look, I’m here, asking you nicely, just like you wanted—”

“You think that’s all it takes, don’t you?” I interrupt. “Turn on the charm and I’ll do whatever you ask?”

He won’t meet my eyes as he rubs the back of his neck, which means he’s either embarrassed or afraid I’m going to say no.

“I don’t care,” I cut in. “Just get to the fucking point. What is it this time?”

“You haven’t seen the news?”

“I tune out when I hear your name,” I retort. “Why?”

“I need you to fill in for me for a few days.” He pauses for a moment.

“Fill in for you where?” I ask, confused.

He presses his lips together into a thin line and then laughs. “Rehab.”

“Rehab?” I scoff. “Are you fucking crazy—”

“Nate, I’m dead if you don’t help me out.”

The calmness in his voice makes me realize he isn’t fucking around here. Something is going on. I frown at him, wanting more information than he’s giving me, but at the same time, I want to know as few of the details as possible. I sigh and rub my eyes. If I say no and something happens to him…it will be like Mom all over again.

“Is it serious?” I finally ask.

“Yes,” he replies, not meeting my eyes. “Two days. That’s all I need to get something sorted and then I’ll switch back with you.”

“Fine. Two days. That’s it,” I warn him. “Sort out your shit and never ask me to help you out again, okay? I’m done helping you after this.”

“I promise I won’t forget this,” he says earnestly.

“Really?” I say skeptically. “I’m pretty sure you said that last time.”

“Yeah, but that was the old me—”

“You’ve been in rehab five minutes and it’s already changed you?” I taunt.

I hold back on everything else I want to say and take a step back. This is the way Brix has always been, and he’s never going to change, so there’s no point getting worked up over it.

He frowns at me. “Are you going to help me, or do I have to find someone else?”

“What, are you going to run a lookalike contest?”


“Fine.” I sigh. “Meet me back here tomorrow—”

“Tomorrow?” He looks at me with alarm. “No, this has to happen now.”

“Now?” I repeat with a laugh. “Dude, I run a business. I need to tie up some loose ends and get someone to cover me in here, not to mention I need to pack a bag—”

“What happened to Jake?” Brix asks, referring to my apprentice.

“He’s on vacation this week. Besides, he’s an apprentice. I can’t leave him in charge,” I scoff.

“Fine.” Brix shrugs. “I know a thing or two about cars. I’ll cover you.”

“You?” I frown at him.

“Yeah. Me.” He takes a step toward me. “Or did you forget Dad taught me as much as he did you? He left this place to me, after all. Remember?”

How can I forget when you remind me every two seconds?

“There’s still time for me to say no,” I remind him. “So, I’d be shutting the fuck up if I were you.”

“You’re still annoyed he left this to me and nothing to you, huh?”

I glare at him in response. “Last warning.”

“Come on, Nate. You wouldn’t back out now that you’ve agreed,” he says confidently. “You’ve always been a man of your word.”

He’s got me there. I wish I could say the same thing about him.