
“No,” I mumble, my cheeks heating up.


He nods, looking satisfied. Well, as satisfied as I imagine he’s capable of looking. I doubt his expression would even change when he’s orgasming. I cringe at the thought.

“When you’re needed, you’ll be told. Otherwise, just go about your normal shift and do whatever it is you’d normally do,” he says. like he’s completely oblivious to my role here.

He dismisses me with a wave of his hand and then stalks off, leaving me standing there, stealing glances in Brix’s direction. I make a quick escape in the opposite direction before he spots me. Just knowing I don’t have to be around him all the time is a relief and at least I can put off seeing him again for a little while longer.The day drags on, with the minutes ticking over so slowly it’s like time has frozen. Somehow, I manage to avoid all things Brix right up to the last few minutes of my shift. At a few minutes to six, I creep down the hallway toward the staffroom. All I need to do now is clock off and I’m out of here. Just as I’m about to push through the door and head home, I hear my name. I cringe. So fucking close.


Before I even turn around, I know the grating voice belongs to Macy. She frowns at me, but I barely notice, because all of my attention is on Brix, who’s standing next to her. Our eyes lock for a second, sending my heart rate skyrocketing. He smirks at me, the same way he did two days ago when he caught me in his bed and yesterday, when he caught me under it.

I want to look away, but I force myself to keep looking him straight in the eye.

“Why are you always so hard to find?” Macy grumbles in her usual dramatic way. “Brix needs to meet with his manager, pronto.” She motions for me to hurry up. “Come on. Get moving, or today will turn into tomorrow.”

Brix looks down, rubbing his jaw to disguise his amusement, while I silently seethe.

“Okay, let’s go,” I say, my voice tight.

I don’t even ask where we’re going, I just turn around and stalk outside.

“Hey, slow down.”

I speed up.

“I’ve never met a chick so eager to get away from me.” He grins. “Usually it’s the other way around. I’m running from them.”

I snap my head sideways to glare at him, then I force myself to relax.


“Okay, so where are we going?” I ask walking over to my car.

“How about I drive?” he suggests, swooping in and grabbing my keys from me.

“How about no?” I retort. I try to snatch them back off him, ignoring the tingle of my skin when our hands touch. He holds them just out of my reach until I give up.

“I’m not trying to be an ass,” he explains. “You just look like you’re about to fall asleep.” He glances at me again. “You’re in a position most girls would kill for,” he adds.

“You mean driving a Camry?” I say sweetly.

“I meant driving me,” he replies.

I push myself close enough against him so I can position my knee between his legs. I smile as his smirk begins to falter.

“Now you’re in a position most guys would hate,” I tease. “Keys, please?”

He hands them to me without a word.

I drive off without waiting for him to give me directions. I don’t know where we are going, and I don’t care. I just want to get this done so I can go home and spend the rest of the night with my face in a tub of ice cream.

Anything to give myself a distraction from this whole nightmare.

“You know, I half expected to wake up this morning and find you in my closet. Or maybe in my bathroom, taking a shower.” He pretends not to notice me glowering at him.

“You love playing games, don't you?” I growl.

“You mean like sports?” He shudders. “Can’t stand them. This might be hard to believe, but I'm not much of a team player.”

“You’ve never heard of single player games?” I jeer.

His eyes gleam. “You look like the kind of girl who’d know a lot about that.”

“You're in a band,” I snap, my stomach churning at his comment. “Doesn’t that require some ‘team playing?’”

“I’m the star.” He shrugs. “So long as they remember that, we’re good.”

“They must love you,” I deadpan.

“Doesn’t everyone?” He adjusts his position, drawing my attention to his crotch, but I quickly look away. “You’d be surprised how many people try and get my attention. Most of the time it doesn’t work, but every now and then someone comes up with an original idea that leaves me thinking about them days later.”

I will not react.

If I keep telling myself that, then maybe I’ll believe it.

“Yeah, well not everyone falls for your act,” I mutter.