“He went through a DUI station, with three naked hookers locked in the trunk of his car, along with a pound of coke,” Sasha explains. “Though I’m sure they consented to being put in there.”

I snort, because whether or not they consented is hardly the point.

“When’s he arriving?” I ask.

My heart pounds, waiting for her answer. I’ll need at least a week to find another job, preferably in another state. Or country. Sasha smiles at me and points out the window.

“I think the answer to that would be now.” She grins.

I turn around and peer out the window to the front entrance. Brix is surrounded by his posse, looking every bit as sexy as the last time I saw him. I feel sick as I watch him stand there, looking bored as fuck, waiting for his minions to get their shit together. We get high-profile clients’ checking-in all the time, so this kind of display is a daily occurrence.

The difference is, usually they haven’t caught me masturbating.

“Good, Hannah. I’ve been looking for you.”

I spin around in shock to find Luke standing in the doorway, looking mildly annoyed. He motions for me to follow him and then disappears. I wave goodbye to Sasha and then sprint down the hallway to catch up to him. He’s getting awfully close to that front entrance, which I hope to God doesn’t mean…I release the breath I was holding in when he breezes straight past it.

Thank fuck for that.

I try to get a look out the door as I walk past, but I can’t see past the thick crowd of people. It seems everyone wants a piece of Brix.


Startled, I turn my attention back to Luke.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“I asked you if you were you familiar with Brix Wilson,” he barks.

“Yeah, I’ve heard of him,” I say, my voice cracking.

“Well, part of his plea agreement was that he be allowed to honor his prior music commitments. During our last staff meeting, I asked for a volunteer to accompany him on his trips off the clinic grounds,” he reminds me.

“I didn’t volunteer,” I say a little too quickly.

“No, but you were the only one who didn’t,” he agrees, narrowing his eyes. “Which made the decision of who to appoint that much easier.”

I stop and gape at him.

Me? He expects me to babysit him after what happened?

There has to be another option, especially when there are a few dozen other nurses who would jump at the chance to do this. I break into a run to catch up to Luke again, who is still talking like I’m beside him.

“…be awarded an attractive compensation.”

Extra money?

Well, I could definitely use some of that.

I love how he words it like I actually have a say in the matter, because somehow, I don’t think no is an option.

“What exactly am I expected to do?” I ask. “Why does he need a babysitter?”

“We need to make sure that he stays out of trouble while he’s away from here.”

“I’m sure every single person here has commitments they’d love to go off and do,” I point out. “But they don’t get the special treatment he’s getting.”

“That may be true, but they’re also not making a substantial donation in exchange for a little flexibility. Look, all you need to do is keep an eye on him when he’s away from here. Surely you’ve done one-on-one care before?”

“Of course, I have,” I mumble.

The difference is, I’ve never felt this awkward about it.

“So, when do I start this?” I ask.

“He just got here. How about we let him settle in for the day before we start hounding him? I’m sure he doesn’t want to be mobbed.”

Yes. Because my plan was to mob him and then ask him if he found my dildo.

“Just give him some space to get to know the layout of the place and we will go from there.”

I nod, my jaw clenching at the hint of irritation in Luke’s voice. Why do I always feel like I’m asking stupid questions when I’m around him? I feel like an inconvenience every time I open my mouth.

“Great. Thanks,” I say, my voice clipped.

“Just try not to mess this up, okay?”

I smile as he walks off.

How could I possibly fuck this up with support like that?Chapter 5Hannah“Need some help?”

Sasha looks up from the notes she’s reading and grins at me.

“Sure. Wait till you meet the lady I’m checking-in. She’s a freaking riot.”

I follow her into room twenty-three and smile at the fragile little old lady sitting on the bed. She looks at me and frowns.

“Are you a nurse or a stripper?” she barks at me.

I double take. “Pardon?”

“That outfit, you hussy. I used to be a nurse and there’s no way I’d ever be caught wearing something that shows so much skin. The men aren’t going to buy a cow if they get the cheese for nothing.”