“What’s up?” Nate asks.

“Nothing.” I smile at him as he puts him arm around me. “Just your brother looks kind of agitated.”

“You think I should be worried about him?” Nate asks.

“It’s probably nothing…” I smile up at him. “I’m really proud of how he’s pulled his life together. I just hate the thought of anything changing that. Like you moving away.”

Nate smiles and kisses me on the forehead. “He’s stronger than you give him credit for. I’d be the one falling apart if I had to be away from you.”

I lean my head against his shoulder, in awe of how lucky I am. I have the most caring, amazing guy in the world with his arms tightly wrapped around me. I look up at him again, taking in every tiny little detail that I’ve memorized so many times before. From the way those eyes sparkle when he finds himself funny, to that cute little dimple on his left cheek—

Wait a second.

I pull away and study him closer. He shifts, giving me an uneasy look.

“Want to tell me what’s going on, Brix?” I growl at him.

He laughs. Now he looks as stressed as Nate…I turn my attention back to Nate. Hold on. Why is Nate about to perform? I’ve heard him sing. Trust me, nobody is going to believe that one.

“Brix, tell me—”

“Just wait. Please?”

I sigh. “Fine.”

I frown as Nate walks onto the stage, nearly dropping the microphone he’s clutching onto with two hands. The crowd cheers for him, Brix’s gay fans coming out in force tonight to support him.

“Hey everyone. I’m not actually Brix. That’s him right down there.”

I give him a look that I hope reads what the fuck and he shrugs, then holds his hand out for me. Confused, I take it, letting him pull me onto the stage.

“I’m sure you’re all wondering why you’ve paid good money to listen to me ramble on about nothing.”

“Now that you mention it…” Someone calls out.

Laughter ripples through the crowd.

“I guarantee nobody is wondering that more than this girl, though.”

Nate turns to me, the look in his eyes vulnerability, fear and excitement. My heart races when he lifts my hand to his lips and kisses it as he lowers himself down one knee.

I stare at him, in shock, then my eyes focus on the small box he’s holding. He lets go of my hand and flicks open the box. I gasp, lost for words, because the ring is beautiful. Simple, yet stunning, it’s exactly what I would have chosen for myself.

“Hannah,” he begins, “I love you. More than anything in this world, I want you. Forever. Always. Nothing would make me happier than having you become my wife.”

Sobbing, I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him on the mouth, the crowd cheering us on. I pull away, just so I can kiss him again. He laughs and gently wipes a rouge tear off my cheek.

“Is that a yes?” he asks.

I nod, and then steal another kiss before I answer.

“Yes. Of course it’s a yes.”