“You could be a great role model for so many kids out there, you know,” I say softly. “Kids who feel just as alone as you did, who feel like there’s no way out other than…” I don’t say it, because it doesn’t need to be said.

Brix looks at me for a long time, then he nods.

“I really want to be a positive role model, you know? Maybe it’s too late for all that shit.” He laughs. “I’ve made more than my fair share of mistakes, after all.”

“But you’ve learned from them,” I point out.

“Not all of them,” he chuckles. “I guess you’re right. It’s never too late to fix something.” He stands up. “Speaking of…any idea where Nate is?” he asks softly. “I think I owe him an explanation.”

“Or ten. I locked him in the shed,” I admit.

Brix chuckles. “I’m glad you two hooked up. You’re good for him.”

“Thanks.” I look down, not wanting him to see just how much I love hearing that. “Wait, how do you know we hooked up?”

“My apartment is big, right?” He winks at me. “I was right about you being a moaner.”

I cringe, resisting the urge to sucker punch him as he laughs at my expense. He was there with us that whole time? Why the fuck didn’t he say something?

I jump off the bed and slide my phone from my pocket to text Nate.

Me: On my way back.

Nate: Good. I’m starting to feel like a high school kid again.

Me: That kind of thing will prob get you arrested.

I glance at Brix and motion for him to follow me.

“Come on. Let’s go.”Chapter 20NateIt’s about fucking time.

I jump off the box I’ve been using as a seat for the last hour when I hear someone fiddling with the latch on the door. I assume it’s Hannah, and I’m not sure whether I should be annoyed or impressed that she locked me in here. Maybe I’ll wait to see how things went with Luke before I decide. The door opens, but instead of Hannah, I get an eyeful of Clarice.

“You again?” She snaps, “Are you following me, Brick? Because I’m not interested if you’re one of those perverts with an old lady fetish.”

“That must be it,” I nod. “I think it was your Golden Girl’s story that sparked my interest.”

“What the heck is a Golden Girl?” She narrows her eyes at me. “It sounds like something you’d find in one of those sex clubs.” She looks over me once more, he expression changing to disapproval. “Why did you change clothes?” she asks suspiciously.

“Uh, because it’s Saturday?” I say. “It’s something I like to do every day.”

I’m guessing the poor girl is confusing her days, and thinking today is yesterday. She looks me up and down and shakes her head.

“Saturday? That’s no excuse,” she sniffs. “You young ones are always thinking only of yourselves. Never mind the poor soul who has to wash your fifteen changes of clothes. Do you even know how long it takes to hand wash a pair of slacks?” she chastises.

“Uh, twenty-three minutes on a fast cycle?” I guess, glancing down at my jeans.

“In my day, we wore the same outfit for a month. Underpants and all,” she declares. “Sure, there was a bit of a stench about us, but that made us all the more recognizable when we got lost. Except for poor Ethel Bradbury, who got eaten by a pack of wild dogs.”

She shakes her head sadly. a faraway look in her eyes. I look down, pretending to sympathize, but really I’m just trying not to laugh my ass off in front of this poor woman. This is by far the weirdest conversation I’ve had all day, though, there’s still time to top it.

“What the devil…”

I look up, my smile fading when I see Brix and Hannah standing there. Poor Clarice can’t work out what’s going on. Her eyes dart from Brix, to me and then back to Brix. She shakes her head, looking overwhelmed.

“I think I need a nap,” she mumbles, looking faint.

“I’ll take her back,” Hannah announces. She takes her hand and leads her to the door, giving me a smile on the way out. Alone with my brother, I turn to him, my hands wedged deep in my pockets. He sits down, looking like he’s waiting for me to say something. The problem is, I don’t know what to say.

“So … you’re back,” I eventually go with. It’s not exactly original, but at least it’s safe.

“You always were the smart one,” he jokes.

“If that’s true, then you’re in trouble,” I murmur.

“I owe you an explanation,” he confesses, sweeping his hand through his hair.

I sigh and sit down. Maybe I’m being too harsh on him. It can’t be easy, going through what he is with the whole world watching.