“You better call me back, okay?” I hiss into the phone. “You said three days and we’re on day four. Just let me know what the hell is going on.”

I end the call and then turn off the phone, shoving it under the mattress. I choose a new hiding place each day, because the number of times there’s been spot checks for drugs and shit, I can’t take the risk.

I take a deep breath, trying to halt the uneasy feeling building inside me. It’s been there all day and it’s just getting stronger. I used to think the twin connection was bullshit, but I’m starting to wonder…what if he’s not answering his phone, because he’s in some kind of trouble?

I shove my phone down my sock and then head outside, because being cooped up in that room is driving me crazy. Not that there’s anything to do here, other than lie on my bed and mope. The way I’m headed, I’ll be leaving this place with more issues than when I came in.

Just as I walk out into the fresh air, I feel that familiar buzzing against my ankle, so I turn around and head back to my room. I half expect him not to answer when I call him back, but he does. Only it’s not him. It’s Kitty.

“Hey,” I say. “I thought you were Brix.”

“Do you know where he is?” she asks. “He left his phone at my place and now I can’t get a hold of him.”

“I haven’t been able to get in touch him either,” I admit. “Is he in some kind of trouble?”

“You know what he’s like,” she replies. She laughs, but there’s something in her voice that has me worried. “He’s always in trouble, right?”

“I guess,” I agree. “If you do see him, can you get him to call me?”

“Sure. I will. And Nate?” She pauses for a moment. “Brix might not be good at showing it, but he does appreciate your help. He loves you more than you realize.”

I’m still thinking about what Kitty said when I go to find Luke. He glances up when I knock on his office door, and ushers me in.

“Brix,” he says. “Take a seat. You missed our session yesterday.”

“Yeah, tour stuff,” I explain, sitting down.

If he asks me to elaborate on what tour stuff is, I’m fucked.

“How are you going? I have some free time now if you want to talk about anything?” he offers.

“I’d love to, but my manager just called. They need to see me asap. Something about one of the venues for the tour,” I add, like I’m not really sure what it’s all about. “Thanks though. I might take you up on that offer when I get back.”

I get up before he can ask me anything else and head for the door.

“Okay. I’ll make the arrangements.” He sighs and gets to his feet, following me out of his office. “I am worried about you, Brix. You’re gone more than you’re here. I feel like we’re not giving you the best chance of recovery because we’re not being firm enough with you.”

“The meetings should dry up after this one,” I assure him. “The tour is pretty much sorted.” I pause for a second, thinking of what else to say, because I feel like he’s waiting for me to say more. “You might not think it, but it’s all helping. Talking shit out, being forced to examine my life and my choices…they’re things I wouldn’t have done had I not been locked away in here.”

“I think locked away is an exaggeration, especially in your situation, but I’m glad to hear that.” He nods, a satisfied look on his face. “Go find Hannah. I’m sure she’ll be fine to take you to your meeting.”

I walk off to find Hannah, my hands wedged deep into my pockets. I wasn’t making up what I said—being in here has made me examine my life and where it’s headed. I thought I had my shit together, but I’m beginning to realize just how much I miss my brother.

I push Brix out of my mind when I spot Hannah through the window, in the outside courtyard. Her eyes dart around, like she’s looking for someone. Or avoiding someone. I creep around there, making as little noise as possible. She doesn’t notice me until I’m right behind her, leaning against the chair she’s sitting on.

She spins around when I cough, her eyes narrowing. I give her a smile.

“Do you wanna tell me why you’re avoiding me?” I ask, sitting down next to her.

She laughs nervously.

“Why would I be avoiding you?”

“Because of what happened?” I suggest.

She laughs again, insisting she’s not, but she can’t even look me in the eye.

“Come on, Hannah,” I sigh. “Just be straight with me.”

“I'm not avoiding you,” she says firmly.