“The clinic will kill you if they find out, and he’s a freaking celebrity. How long do you think it will be till some journalist snaps a photo of the two of you?” she shrugs. “I just mean be careful. I know how much your job means to you, and I’d hate to see you throw it all away over…” She stops, but she doesn’t need to say it.

“Someone like Brix,” I finish, my voice flat.

“I’m sorry, Hannah. I’m not trying to be mean…”

“I know. But I think you’re overreacting,” I argue. “I’ve been with him once and it wasn’t even sex. He got me off. We’re hardly a couple.”

“All the more reason to be careful,” Lou agrees. “It’s much easier to end things now, before you develop any feelings for the guy.” She leans over and squeezes my hand. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“I’m not stupid enough to throw my career over someone who goes through women like you go through jobs,” I say to Lou.

“Hey,” Lou retorts, pretending to be hurt. “I’m offended by that. I’m a businesswoman now.”

“How’s it going?” I ask.

“Really well,” she says. Her eyes light up in a way I’ve never seen them do when she’s talking about work. I’m so glad she’s finally finding her stride. “And that guy I was telling you about?”

“Bachelor dude?” I giggle.

She nods. “He’s taking me out tomorrow night,” Lou confesses.

Sasha gapes at her. “Not Bachelor, as in Harry Pearson, The Bachelor?”

Lou gives me a triumphant look. “See? She knows who he is.”

I roll my eyes and sit back, pretending to listen to them chatter about Lou’s new guy, but I can’t get the doubts out of my head. I hadn’t had a chance to think about what being caught with Brix could do to my career. Am I willing to risk everything I’ve worked for, for him? I don’t think I am.

Forget the fact that he’s my patient, I can think of a million other reasons I should never have let myself go there. That’s almost a reason for every girl he’s kissed.

He’s such a player and all I am is a little entertainment while he’s locked away.

I’m kidding myself if I look at it any other way.Chapter 16Nate“Hannah.”

I’m walking to my room when I see her ahead of me in the hallway. I relax a little, because I was starting to think she was ignoring me. It’s been two days since we hooked up, and though she’s been at work, we haven’t crossed paths at all.

I frown when she doesn’t react. Maybe she didn’t hear me? I call her name again, this time she visibly jumps, then increases her pace until she’s around the corner, and out of my sight. I stare after her in disbelief.

Did she just run away from me?

Maybe it isn’t all in my head. Maybe she really is ignoring me. But why? Is she having second thoughts over what happened? Sure, it was unexpected, but I thought she enjoyed it as much as I did.

“I wouldn’t waste your time with her.”

I turn around and frown at the petite blonde nurse standing before me. I’ve seen her around, so I know she’s not with the agency, but I can’t for the life of me remember her name.

“And why’s that?” I ask

“Because she’s sneaky,” she says, her tone matter of fact. “She chases every famous guy who comes in here, and tries to worm her way into the spotlight. She’ll use you to get what she wants, then she’ll throw you away. You could do so much better.”

“You mean, like you?” I ask. She smiles and steps toward me. “Because I'm pretty sure that would be what you call a downgrade. It would be kind of like trading in my Ferrari for a Camry that’s weathered a few storms.”

Her green eyes narrow into tiny slits as she stares me down. I stare back at her, waiting to see what she says, until she turns around on her heel and stalks off. A little harsh, maybe, but I think she got the message. I don’t think she’ll be bothering me again.

I wander back down to my room. It’s just another way this is turning into a shit of a week. Hannah is acting weird since we hooked up. Brix is supposed to be back here by now, rendering me free from this hellhole. And then there’s Doctor Luke, who just keeps pushing me. I’m so close to cracking, and I’m not sure who’ll end up in the firing line.

One way or another, I need to get the fuck out of here.

I grab my phone and try calling my brother again, but just like the other times, it goes straight to voicemail.

“Hey, this is Brix. You know what to do. If you’re worthy, I’ll call you back.”