“You mean fixing my car?” I ask, feigning ignorance.

He reaches up and cups my chin, kissing me slowly on the lips, his tongue massaging mine. I sigh, because every kiss feels even better than the last.

“Now are you beginning to understand?” he teases.

My eyes fly open as a thought hits me. It’s perfect. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it earlier.

“What’s wrong?” he asks me.

“Nothing,” I grin at him. “I’ve thought of a way you can repay me that’s even better,” I say, a smile spreading across my lips.

“Better than this?” he murmurs, tilting my chin up to his.

“Stop it,” I say, giggling as I slap him on the arm. “You can make it up to me by pretending to be my boyfriend next time my mother is in town.”

For a moment I think he’s going to say no, but then he nods.

“One more thing...”

“What’s that?” I ask, breathing in sharply as he gently rolls his fingertips along my back.

“How far do I get to take this boyfriend thing?”Chapter 15HannahBrix looks over at me when I randomly burst into laughter.

“Sorry,” I mutter.

“Going to share the joke?”

“It’s nothing, what happened today still feels a bit surreal,” I feel stupid saying this aloud, and the way he’s looking at me isn’t helping.

“Living out a lifelong fantasy?” he asks.

“No,” I retort. “You never even entered my fantasies until last week—” I stop, but it’s too late.

He smirks at me. “Until last week?”

“I didn’t let you…” I flush as her raises his eyebrows. “What happened, it wasn’t because you’re famous,” I say.

I’m really worried now that I’ve made myself look like one of the other hundreds or thousands of groupie chicks, who follow him around. He probably thinks I only slept with him for the ‘experience’ which isn’t how it is at all. I couldn’t care less who he is or what he does.

“It never entered my mind,” he says honestly. “Although you did seduce me, and then coerce me into fixing your car, so maybe you’re onto something there.”

“Hold on. I seduced and then coerced you?” I growl. I know he’s baiting me, but my instinct is to react. “You put the moves on me. And you offered to fix my car.”

He shrugs. “For all I know, that’s your thing. Some guys use a cute puppy to lure in the chicks. You use a shit heap of a car and go all damsel in distress. Oh. I forget to give the one vital thing my car needs to survive, aside from gas. Oopsie,” he giggles in a high-pitched voice.

“Was that supposed to be an impression of me?” I snarl at him. “Because it sucked. Almost as much as your music.”

“Ouch,” he winces. “This got personal, fast.”

We both look at each other and then burst into laughter.

“I had fun,” he says. “And I really want to kiss you right now, but it’s probably not a great idea.”

“Guess we better get back inside before they send out a search party,” I say, disappointed that the night has to end so soon.

We take our time walking up the front entrance, because neither of us are ready to go inside. If we move any slower, we’ll be walking backward. My fingers tingle when his hand inadvertently brush past mine, the touch sending shockwaves up and down my arm.

“Sorry,” he says.

“Don’t be.” I say it a little too quickly, which makes him laugh.

“I really want to hold your hand right now, but it’s probably not a good idea…”

“Probably not,” I agree. “Maybe I’ll come see you later?”

“For round three?” he teases.

I clench my thighs together, which makes walking difficult. I breeze through security, but poor Brix is held up when his phone is discovered again. I make a mental note to ask him how he keeps getting it back. I turn around and give him a little smile, before I disappear around the corner, toward the break room to sign out.“You’ve had sex.”

Startled, I look up from signing out of my shift to find Sasha waggling her finger at me. Her eyes narrow accusingly.

“Excuse me?” I laugh.

“You’re not denying it,” she points out.

“Because you’ve accosted me in the staffroom and I’m in shock,” I retort with a giggle.

“Accosted? Oh, come on.” She gives me a dramatic roll of her eyes. “It’s all over your face.” God, I hope not. “Hell, I can smell it,” she hisses.

“Will you keep your voice down?” I growl, grabbing her hand. “When do you finish?”

“I’ve just finished now,” she says. “Hey, did you want to grab that drink? I know a cool little bar.”

“Sure,” I agree. “I’ll tell you everything then.”

We end up in a crowded bar in the middle of town that’s so loud, I can’t even hear myself think. I shake my head and wince at Sasha.

“This isn't exactly what I had in mind,” I yell out.