“So as soon as we leave, you go out and buy all the food?” she whines.

“Yes,” I snap. “My money. My food. And also, you have no clue what you’re talking about. This is the first big shopping I’ve done in months, not that it’s any of your business.” I shake my head. I’m even more annoyed at her now. “Why am I even explaining myself to you?”

“Because you owe me one,” she mutters sullenly.

I look at her to see if she’s serious. Yep. She is. I take my rage out on the shopping, slamming a tin of beans hard down on the shelf in the pantry.

How am I related to someone so self-centered?

It’s like the only thing she cares about in the world is herself.

“I'm not your slave, Sara, and I'm not your mother,” I say, leaving it at that.

No. I’m sick of letting it go when it comes to Sara. Every other time, I’ve backed down from telling her how I feel because it’s easier than dealing with Mom, but not today.

“Do you know what annoys me the most about you?” I ask.

“No, but I get the feeling I’m about to find out.”

“It’s how tightly you’ve got Mom wrapped around your little finger,” I continue, as if she hadn’t even spoken.

“Ah, so that’s what this is about,” she says, her eyes lighting up. “You’re jealous that Mom and I are so close.”

“That’s not it at all,” I exclaim, frustrated. “It’s the fact that when I do help you out, you don’t even appreciate it. Why should I put myself out for someone who doesn’t care?”

“But I do care,” she says. “I might have a hard time showing you that, but I thought it went without saying that I appreciate your help. You’re my sister. Of course I appreciate it.”

“Then just tell me that occasionally,” I say.

She stands up and walks around the counter to me, taking my hand.

“Hannah, I really need your help.” She forces herself to look me in the eye and for the first time in a long time, I see how vulnerable she is.

“You need somewhere to stay,” I say. “Just for a few days?”

“Don’t worry about me. I just need to know Soph is covered.”

“And what are you going to do?” I ask her.

“I’ll manage.” She smiles at me, but I see the uncertainty behind her eyes. “Trust me. I'll be fine. I’ll find someone who can take me in for a few days, I just don't want to do that to her.”

I study her, looking for any sign that she’s playing me. As much as I believe she genuinely needs my help, I’ve been burnt before. I nod.

“Fine. She can stay for a few days, but she’s sleeping on the couch,” I warn. “Not in my bed.”

“That’s fine, she loves this couch,” Sara assures me. “When we were staying here, I could never get her off it.”

I smile. That much is true.

“Okay, so when will she be here?” I ask. “Tomorrow?”

Sara walks over to the window, yanks it open and leans out. “Soph, get up here!”

“She was down there the whole time, because you knew I’d say yes?” I ask.

She shrugs. “No. She was down there because we had nowhere else to go. I’m not playing you, Han,” Sara insists. “Quit looking at me like that.”

Sophie breezes through the door, a smirk spreading across her lips as our eyes meet.

“Boyfriend, huh?” she asks, tossing her bags down on the couch. “Is he long, thin and purple and do you call him ‘oh my God?’”

Sara dissolves into giggles. I shoot her a glare and then shift my attention to my niece.

“You told her?” I hiss.

She shrugs, her eyes dancing with amusement. “Sure I did. You wouldn’t pay up, so what choice did I have?”

“Because you told me not to—” I stop mid-sentence and breathe in, then I release it slowly.

I will not get into a pissing match with a sixteen-year-old.

I walk down to my closet, grab some blankets, and take them back down to the living room.

“Here,” I say, tossing them on the couch. I look at Sara. “There’s enough for you too, if you don’t mind the floor.”

She gives me a smile. “The floor is good.”

Back in my room, I turn out the light and climb into bed. I’m too exhausted to worry about anything other than sleep. Just as I’m drifting off, my phone buzzes. I see Sasha’s name

Sasha: OMG I’m so sorry. I totally forgot. Had a hell of a shift, then just wanted to get home. Catch up tomorrow? X

Me: Don’t stress, I forgot too. See you tomorrow.

It pings again. I pick it up and switch it on silent, then check Sasha’s reply. Only it’s not her.

Brix: No need to apologize. I actually I think it’s pretty cute.

And there goes any chance of me sleeping tonight.