“You would?” I could cry, I’m that relieved. Thank fuck for that.

“Yes.” He laughs and sits down near the edge of the pool. I do the same, rolling up my jeans to dip my feet in. “You know the thing that really got to me? You were willing to risk our friendship to try and save my relationship. That’s incredibly selfless. There’s a reason I was in love with you for so long,” he murmurs.

“I’m just relieved you don’t hate me.” I pause. “Or love me, for that matter.”

He laughs and wraps his arm around me. I smile, because it feels good to have my friend back. I rest my head on his shoulder and sit there with him for what feels like ages, until his phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket.

“Mom. I better take this.” He gets to his feet and then helps me up. “Maybe we can catch up next week, the four of us?”

“I’d like that,” I say.

Yawning, I shove my hands into my pockets and walk back inside. I’m glad they were able to work things out. I’m even happier that Jake is so understanding. I get out my key and walk inside, locking the door behind me this time. I look around the empty room and laugh.

“Are you in here?” I say with a laugh.

“Bathroom,” he replies.

“Again?” I giggle and walk over to the chair and sit down. “Maybe I should be getting my own room.”

Then the music starts. My eyes widen, because blasting out of the tiny speaker, connected to Liam’s phone is “I’m Too Sexy,” by Right Said Fred. I clap my hands over my mouth, my eyes darting to the bathroom door when it flings open.

Liam struts out, wearing a pair of very tight pair of tighty-whities and…

Yep. A sombrero.

I double over, laughing so hard I nearly wet myself. His expression is so serious as he saunters around the room, stopping every few steps to pose. The song finishes too soon, but I’m still laughing. Liam walks toward me, his eyes sparkling.

“Well?” he prompts, pointing to the sombrero. “What did you think?”

“What…” I shake my head. “What was that?”

“An apology,” he suggests. He takes my hand, lacing his fingers around mine. “I should have told you about dad. I wish I could go back and fix it, but I can’t. I just hope you can forgive me.”

“I already have,” I say, kissing him. I study the sombrero for a moment, my smile widening.

“Wait a second, is that…”

“The one from the club?” He nods, adjusting it. “Yep. Don’t even ask how much I had to pay them to get them to sell it,” he adds.

Liam winks at me, then he casually wanders over to his phone.

“No,” I warn him, even before it starts playing.

“Oh, come on.” He walks back over to me, his blue eyes shining. “I thought you were wild, the girl who will do anything.”

I very reluctantly let him strip me. He gathers the hem of my sweater and lifts it over my head. He kisses me and then slowly unzips my jeans, before yanking them down. I giggle, clutching onto his shoulders as he crouches in front of me to help get my feet through the holes of my jeans.

“If you do one little dance for me,” he begins.

I groan as he pushes aside my panties and thrusts his tongue inside me.

“Then I’ll fuck you so hard with my tongue, you won’t be able to walk for an entire week.”

Oh God.

“Now…” He stands up, takes the sombrero off his head and places it on mine.

He nods confidently, then spins me around and slaps me hard on the ass.

“Off you go,” he orders. “Let me see you shake that little tush of yours on the catwalk.”EpilogueTwo Years LaterLiam“How many times do I need to tell you that I don’t need to know every little detail about your sex life!”

Becca storms outside with her mother racing after her.

“Guess we’re leaving now.”

I roll my eyes at Alec, Becca’s dad, as we follow them outside.

Not every dinner with her parents ends like this—sometimes it’s even worse. Tonight, it all went wrong when Karen tried to convince Becca she’d be less stressed if we invested in a sex swing. Becca handled it pretty well, until Karen announced they had one and offered to let us try it out. Yeah, even I was more than a little creeped out by that.

“For the record, you were never going near my swing,” Alec quips.

“Damn. You sure know how to ruin my night.” I chuckle and watch Becca and her mom argue. “You’d think I’d be used to this by now.”

Alec glances at me. “Is ‘this’ my wife? Because I’ve been married to her for forty-two years and I’m still getting used to her. I make it easy on myself by just going with the flow. I sit back, nod my head, let her make all the decisions.” He laughs to himself. “We had a doctor fill in at our clinic last week. He thought I was mute, because every time he asked me a question, she would answer.”