Ah. That’s why.

“I managed to get a sitter at the last minute. Luke is parking the car. I felt bad about not being here for you, since you’re always there for me. So we flew down. Just for the day, we fly back out in the afternoon.” She glances at Liam again. “Are you going to introduce us?”

“Right,” I grin, embarrassed that I let him stand there like a fool. “This is Liam…a friend of mine. Liam, this is one of my other good friends, Laura.”

“Lovely to meet you,” he says, kissing her cheek. She grins at me, then smiles at Liam. “You too. Where’s Grammy?” she asks.

“Back in her room,” Liam explains. “Alone. Which means I should probably go and check she hasn’t barricaded herself in, or set fire to the place.” He turns to me. “I’ll be back soon.”

The moment he leaves, I turn to Laura and narrow my eyes.

“You found a sitter because you felt bad? Bullshit. You wanted to see the fireworks—whether that be Liam and I, or my parents.” Laura’s mouth drops open. “Come on, how much is this costing you?”

She rolls her eyes. “Fine. Five hundred dollars and three weekends of babysitting Annie’s little rats.”

I shake my head and laugh. I always knew she was determined. I take two glasses from a passing waiter and nod for Laura to follow me. We sit down over near the pool.

“I’m glad you’re here, but Jesus, Loz. I hope this is worth it. Worst case? I’ll spike Aunt Sylvie’s drink. She’s a riot when she drinks.”

“So…” Laura’s eyes shine as she has a sip of her champagne. “If there’s no fireworks yet, are there at least sparks? Your text was pretty cryptic.”

I smile. “Plenty of sparks and sorry. I’m nervous with any written communication these days. It’s only a matter of time before I send a text to the wrong person. Last night would’ve gone further, if Grammy hadn’t ruined everything.”

“Do I want to know?” She giggles.

“It’s pretty funny,” I admit. “Liam and I were making out while we waited for the elevator, I was just about to invite him up to my room, when two security guards walked past with Grammy.”

“What?” Laura laughs.

I nod. “They were escorting her off the grounds of the casino after enforcing a ban.”

“For what, exactly?”

“She tried to start a game of strip poker in the high rollers room.”

“Are you serious?” Laura snorts.

“Becca, there you are.”

I look up and see Mom standing there.

“We’re ready to start.” She glances at Laura and smiles. “Laura. I didn’t even realize that was you,” she says.

She throws her arms around Laura; whose eyes widen at the ferocity of the hug.

“Congratulations, Mrs. Chambers. Forty years is a big achievement.”

“We’re very happy,” Mom assures her, then she winks at me.

I make a face and get up, following her over to the area on the other side of the pool, where the ceremony has been set up. I don’t even want to know what that was referring to. I sit down with Laura, glancing at the door every now and then in search of Liam.

“That’s the fifth time you’ve looked.” Laura grins.

“Shh,” I whisper, giving her a dirty look. “It’s starting.”

“I’m going to struggle to sit through this and not think of what they’re really referring to,” Laura says, choking back laughter.”

“Wait till you hear my poem.”

Aunt Betty, who sits on the other side of Laura, insists on giving both of us a running commentary on her thoughts of the ceremony. I manage to sit there with a straight face until Laura leans over and nudges me.

“You’re lucky to have such wonderful role models, Rebecca,” she gushes, her eyes welling up with tears. “I just love that they have such a deep connection.”

I can’t look at Loz or I’ll lose it. She shakes silently next to me as we listen to Aunt Betty go on and on about how she wishes more people would open themselves up to someone else, like my parents have.

“Have you ever seen a couple who fit so perfectly into each other. It’s like they’re molded together. United. They fill a hole—”

Laura stands up and runs out of the room, chuckling to herself. I bite back on my own laughter and do my best to tune Aunt Betty out. She frowns as she watches Laura race out and shakes her head.

“What an odd girl. Friend of yours?”

I shake my head solemnly.

“Never seen her before in my life.”

“And now, our wonderful daughter Rebecca is going to do a reading.”

I take a deep breath and glance down at the words written on the paper in my hands. I walk toward Mom, who stands at the front of the room, then I look at the doorway one last time to see if Liam is back. I’m not sure if I’m disappointed or relieved he won’t be seeing this.