“Only because I like that girl, Liam. Not like William’s floozy,” she mutters, referring to my cousin—her grandson. She shakes her head. “What’s her name? Ellery? She sounds like a freaking vegetable.”

“Ella,” I correct, hiding my smirk.

I have no idea where this is going, but I’m sure it’s going to be a laugh.

“Whatever.” She waves her hand dismissively. “He wanted to give my ring to her, but I told him no. There was no way she was getting her sticky little hands on my ring.” She frowns at me. “I’ve had bowel movements with more personality than that girl.”

“Grammy.” I shake my head, feeling bad that I’m laughing so hard at that.

She sighs. “Fine. You can have the ring. On one condition.”

“And what’s that?”

“Get out of here. Your mother is gone, which gives me five minutes of goddamn peace, so please let me enjoy it.”

I weigh up the options. If Mom finds out I left her alone, she’ll kill me.

“Okay,” I sigh. “But please don’t do anything to get yourself into trouble.”

“When have I ever—"

“I’ll see you later, Grammy,” I call out.“Hey,” Jake says when I sit down. “Where’s Becca?”

“She’s taking a rest.” I grab the scotch he’s already ordered for me and take a sip. “Her exams just finished, and with all the packing and moving, she’s been a little run down.”

Jake pauses thoughtfully. “Run down, huh?”

I raise my eyebrows at him, not sure if he’s trying to suggest something or not.

“Run down and sick,” he muses, his eyes glistening. “How long has she had this stomach bug for now?”

“Two weeks,” I confirm.


It’s been a big few weeks for both of us, with her exams and my new job. After furthering my postgraduate studies in animal pharmacology with a specialist course, I’d landed a research fellowship with an animal clinic that specializes in feline cancer treatment.

It was an area that I’d always been interested in, but I’d never considered myself good enough to get there. Until Becca. Two months in and I was loving it, but the decrease in income meant I was still lecturing one day a week. Add to that moving into our new place so I could be closer to the clinic, it wasn’t surprising that Becca was feeling a bit under the weather.

“What are you hinting at, Jake?” I sigh.

After half hour with Grammy, I’m not in the mood for games.

Jake laughs. “Do I need to spell it out for you?”

“Spell what out…” I stare at him in shock. “You think she’s pregnant?”

“It all fits, doesn’t it?” he shrugs.

I sit back. Jake’s right. How the hell has it not entered my mind?

“I mean, she’s tired, moody, irritable, getting upset at things she normally wouldn’t, right?” Jake presses.

Oh shit.


Frowning, I look in the direction that my name was just whispered, but there’s nobody there. I’m confused, until I see Becca’s mother’s head sticking out from around a large potted plant.

“Is it safe?” she hisses so loudly that the people sitting on the other side of the bar look over.

I glance at Jake, who is trying desperately not to laugh.

“What the hell is going on?” he murmurs.

“Just come over here,” I snap.

Is she trying to ruin this?

“Don’t be mad.” She winces, splaying her hands out. “I just wanted to find out if there’s anything we can do to help.”

She gives me an exaggerated wink, which has Jake snorting with laughter.

Jesus, this woman doesn’t know the meaning of the word subtlety.

“The best thing you can do is not come out of your room until tonight.” I try to keep the frustration out of my voice, but I’m starting to really understand why Becca needed a break—one that I’ve just ruined by inviting them here.

“But my little girl’s getting married.”

Jake’s eyes widen. “She is?”

“Oh, he didn’t know?” Her eyes widen too when she sees my heated expression. I nearly laugh when she takes a step back. She puts her hands up, as if surrendering. “Okay, I get it. I’m in the way. I’ll be on my best behavior, I promise. And if you think of anything I can do to help, you let me know.”

She winks at me and then slinks away, ducking behind potted plants like she’s on a stealth mission.

Jake turns to me, a wide smile on his face. “Someone needs to confiscate her James Bond collection.” He turns his attention back to me. “So, are you serious? You’re proposing to Becca?”

“Unless someone does it for me first,” I mutter.

“Wow. Who’s coming, then? Just her parents?”

“Oh, a few others,” I admit.

“How many is a few?” he asks.

“All her friends, some of mine, and my family? About thirty people in total?” I frown when Jake erupts into laughter.

“So you invited her parents and pretty much everyone else she knows to the one weekend she wanted to use to get away from them?” he confirms.