“You like it?” he asks. “I know you like your little luxuries. You should try out the bed.”

I take his advice and climb onto the huge bed. He joins me, pulling me into his arms. He kisses me softly on the lips, his tongue drawing circles around mine. I smile, my lips still tingling from his kisses as he moves down to kiss along my neck.

“I can’t look at you without wanting to tear your clothes off and make you come harder than you have in your life,”

I bite my lip, his words making me squirm.

“Then maybe you should refrain from holding my hand in public,” I tease.

He laughs. “I thought you were into public displays of affection.” He teases me, both with his words and his tongue. He takes my hand and puts my middle finger to his lips and slides it into his mouth.

“You’re a natural.” I giggle, not entirely sure what he’s trying to achieve. Having my finger sucked isn’t high on my list of turn ons. “Should I be worried that you’re going to move on to bigger things?” I joke.

“My gag reflex wouldn’t allow it,” he assures me.

I’m about to respond when someone knocks on the door.

“It’s probably Jake.”

He sighs and rolls off the bed and stalks over to the door. I crawl to the end of the bed and sit, crossing my legs. If it is Jake, he won’t be leaving until he tells me why he’s been avoiding me.

When he opens the door, my eyes widen in shock.

No way.

What’s the president of my university doing here, at my hotel room?

My heart pounds as I wait for him to notice me, but he hasn’t even looked in my direction. He’s too focused on Liam to notice me sitting on the bed. This has to be about the comment in class, or the Facebook photo. I can’t let Liam take the blame for this alone. This was as much my fault as it was his.

“Good evening, Becca.”

I snap back to reality when I hear my name.

“Evening,” I manage to say.

“I hope you don’t mind if I speak with my son alone for a moment?”

It takes me a moment to figure out he’s talking about Liam.

“Your son?”

His brow furrows in confusion, but then he laughs.

“You didn’t tell her?” He shakes his head, still chuckling. “Oh, Liam.”

“What are you doing here?” Liam asks, his teeth clenched.

“Jake’s wedding.”

I frown. Jake invited Liam’s father to his wedding and never thought to tell Liam? Maybe I don’t know Jake as well as I thought I did. I feel sorry for Liam, because I can see the pain in his eyes. As upset as I am that he didn’t tell me, nobody deserves to feel unloved.

“What?” Liam laughs, but there’s an uncertainty in his eyes. “Why would he invite you? And since when do you actually go to weddings?”

“Jake and I have always been close.”

“He’s the son you never had, you mean?” Liam baits. “So this has nothing to do with getting to me?”

“Liam, I’m not here to cause trouble. I just want to talk to you. That’s it.”

“Fine,” Liam snaps.

“Good. Meet me downstairs in the bar. Ten minutes?”

“Make it an hour.”


He walks out, closing the door behind him. Liam turns around, so he’s facing me. He frowns, his eyes slowly meeting mine. At least he has the decency to be embarrassed.

“Why wouldn’t you tell me?” I shake my head, because it doesn’t make sense. Was he worried that would scare me off, or didn’t he think that I would want to know that the professor I was sleeping with, also happens to be the president of the university’s son?

God, it sounds worse when I say it like that.

“I should have told you,” he begins. “I don’t know what I was thinking, or maybe I wasn’t thinking in the first place.”

“I’m on scholarship, Liam.” I get down from the bed and walk over to him. “I’ve made mistakes already, so the last thing I need is to give Mr. Michaels—sorry, your father, another reason to hate me. What if I get expelled?”

“You won’t, trust me. This isn’t about you. He’s just trying to get under my skin.” Liam frowns at me. “You don’t know him like I do.”

“Apparently, I don’t know you, either,” I retort, glaring at him. “How would you feel if it were my father and I hadn’t told you?”

“It’s a little different—”

“Really? Because your position, which you’re not even sure you like all that much, is so much more important than my scholarship?” A pang of guilt stabs at me. That was a cheap shot.

“We’ll talk about this later,” he mutters.

He grabs one of the room keys and stalks out the door.Chapter NineteenLiamI wander around the resort for a while, trying to blow off some steam. Eventually, I sit down near the pool and watch the water gently ripple against the cool breeze. Everything she said to me was right. She deserved to know and I should have told her. Like Jake should have told me he invited my father to the wedding.