“Sore.” I press my lips together. Liam’s hands wrap around my waist. I smile at him, he studies me, his eyes full of concern. “It’s more my dignity that’s in shreds.”

And apparently, one of my closest friendships…

Mom shakes her head. “Why didn’t you use the sock?”

“Pardon?” I have no idea what she’s talking about.

“The red sock? The one we keep above the door?”

I’d always wondered what that was for…

“If you don’t want…interruptions, then hang the sock from the tree closest to the fence?”

She shakes her head, but I’m too busy being creeped out, because so many things from my teenage years are beginning to make sense.

“That explains why you never followed that rule.” She shakes her head. “I thought you were being rebellious and trying to catch us having sex.”

Liam snorts from behind me. I glare at Mom.

“Yes, that was the dream. Who needs porn when I’ve got Mom and Dad in the other room?”

I shudder. God, I feel sick. Liam chuckles and kisses me on my cheek.

“How about we go to your room?”

“Ugh. Good idea.”Chapter EighteenBeccaI spend the next week doing not much at all to give my ankle as much rest as I can before Jake’s wedding. That means no going out with Liam, no college, nothing, other than puttering around the house. I still have no idea whether Jake and I are okay, because one message and a letter over three whole weeks is not normal for our relationship. Before the party, we’d speak at least a few times a day, through text message or social media. To go from that, to this, with no explanation isn’t good enough. Brooke must have something to do with it. It was the only explanation. In fact, I wouldn’t put it past her to give him an ultimatum and it scares me that he might choose her over me. Maybe he already has.

By Friday morning, I can bear weight on the ankle, as long as I have it wrapped. It still twinges, but if I rest it and keep up the painkillers, I’m sure I’ll be fine.

After lunch, I sit out in the front of my house, on my suitcase, waiting for Liam. Thank God I’ve had him to distract me away from whatever is going on with Jake. The venue is only a twenty-minute drive from my place, but Liam insisted that we stay for the weekend. I’m fine with that. A weekend in a luxury resort, with my hot new boyfriend, to watch my best friend marry a bitch who can’t stand me? It sounds like the perfect getaway.We arrive at the hotel and check Liam checks in, while I sit down on a couch, conveniently next to the elevators. My ankle is aching, even after the short drive, but I keep that to myself. I’m not letting it ruin the weekend for me. Liam finishes at the desk and walks in my direction. I stand up and press the button. He smirks and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me against him. I raise my eyebrows and laugh when I feel something shift in his pants.

“What?” he mutters. “I can’t help it if you’re too hard to resist.” He slides his hand between my legs and rubs me through my pants. I look around, alarmed, but thank fuck, we’re alone. “Hey,” he complains when I push his hand away. I walk into the elevator when the doors open. Liam follows, with our luggage.

“Just so you know, if nobody else gets in this car, then I’m getting you off.”

I snort and then think what the hell?


I raise my eyebrows as he backs me against the wall and kisses me on the lips. The doors begin to close and Liam smirks, sure he’s won. Then out of nowhere, a hand appears, pushing the doors back open again. I laugh into my hand, trying to disguise it as a yawn. The man looks up and does a double take. I glance down and realize my shirt is undone. Liam laughs as I quickly cover myself up, my face flaming red.

The short ride feels like it takes forever. I stare at the numbers, watching them slowly rise, until it’s our floor. I squeeze through the doors while they’re still opening, staggering down the hallway laughing hysterically.

“I don’t think his wife appreciated your show,” Liam teases.

“No, but that was your fault. You’re always messing with my buttons.”

“Because you make them so easy to push,” he replies.

I find our room and turn around, putting my hand out for the swipe card. Liam shakes his head, insisting on doing it himself. I roll my eyes and wait impatiently.

“Hope you like it,” he says, stepping back to let me through.

I gasp as I walk in. The view is stunning, but it’s everything else I love. The massive bed, fireplace, cozy two-seater couch. It’s beautiful. It makes my Vegas room feel like a shack.