“I’d love to make you come like this.”

He kisses me while I grind against him, doing my best to wind him up. He grunts, grabbing hold of my ass to keep me still, then he reaches between us to undo his jeans and free his cock. My mouth explores his, while my other hand explores his cock. I put his tip against my wetness, teasing him, as I gently rock myself against him.

I don’t even hear the front door open. The first indication that we’re not alone, is my father’s voice floating through the house as he talks to my mother. I freeze, my grip on Liam’s dick tightening so hard he gasps.

“Shit. That’s my parent’s,” I hiss.

Liam snorts, then starts laughing. One look at my expression and he stops laughing. I snatch up my clothes and toss them behind the couch, while he watches me in disbelief.

“What are you doing?” he asks.

“I’m gardening. What’s it look like?” I ask, climbing halfway over the back. “Are you coming, or not?”

“I’m a grown man. I am not hiding behind the couch, from my girlfriend’s parents.”

I stop and stare at him.


My eyes widen when the couch begins to rock back, buckling under my weight. I cry out and grab hold of him, but it’s too late. He slips from my grasp as I fall back with the couch. Fuck. I gasp as a stab of pain rips through my ankle.

“Get it off me,” I gasp as the base lands on my ankle. “Fuck, it hurts.”

“I’m trying,” he growls,

No, he’s not trying because he’s too busy laughing. It’s all right for him. I’m the one sprawled out naked, on the floor with a couch on my foot.

“Becca? Who screamed? And who’s car is out the front?”

And there’s the topper.

“Stay there, please, Mom,” I call out. I huddle as close to the couch as my foot will allow.

“Becca, what are you doing? Why are you hiding behind the couch?” Mom’s voice sings out again, this time it’s much closer.

“Because I’m building a fucking fort,” I snarl.

“Rebecca Chamber’s, don’t you take that tone with me—” Her voice stops. “Oh, hello Liam. It’s lovely to see you again.” The change in her tone makes me laugh.

“You too, Mrs. Chambers.”

“Oh, call me Karen.” Mom laughs.

“Um, sorry to interrupt, but can we get this couch off me?” I snap. I’ve managed to get my shirt on and covered my legs with the throw rug from the couch.

“What’s happening?”

I groan. Dad.

“Your daughter is trapped under the couch.”

“Again?” Dad jokes. “Okay, you take that end, I’ll take this. Karen, you help Becca up.”

Dad and Liam lift the couch, and Mom helps me get to my feet. I groan, my ankle aching where the foot of the couch had been crushing it. The relief is noticeable, but it still throbs like a mofo.

I wrap the rug around me and hobble over to the armchair, using Mom for support. I sink into the chair, my heart racing. Three concerned faces peer down at me. Liam carefully lifts my leg onto his lap and examines the damage.

“I don't think it’s broken,” he says, running his fingers over the redness. “I think you’ve just sprained it.” He turns to Mom. “Karen, would you have any ice?”

“I think so.” Mom disappears into the kitchen to get ice, while Dad answers the phone.

“Just say it.” I glare at Liam, who smirks at me. “Whatever it is you’re thinking, just get it over with.”

“I’m thinking that you’re such a tool,” he says. He leans forward and kisses me, his fingers stroking my neck. I smile, because I needed that kiss. “But that’s okay. You know why?”


“Because you’re my tool.”

My heart melts. “Sorry I ruined our night,” I add.

“Yeah. You’re supposed to be helping me relax, not creating more work for me.”

“While I have your undivided attention,” Liam begins. “I was thinking we could go to the wedding together?”

“Sure,” I say, smiling at him. Does he mean in the same car, or together, together?

“In case I’m not being clear, I mean as a couple.”

“I’d like that,” I say. I make a face, then laugh as he kisses my nose, then I sit back in the chair and glance at my phone again. Speaking of the wedding has me wondering, yet again, what the deal with Jake is. I try calling him again, but no answer. Then I have an idea.

“Hey. Can I have your phone?” I ask Liam.

He hands it to me without question. I scroll down to Jake’s name and press call. I’m willing him not to answer. When he does, my heart drops. He is avoiding me. My gaze meets Liam’s as I silently hand him the phone.

I look up at Mom and thank her as she sets down a cup of tea next to me.

“Are you okay now?” she asks. “How’s the ankle?”