I glance at the clock. We’ve been driving for a while now, but I’m still surprised at how late it is. I haven’t eaten anything all day and I’m starting to notice it.

“Are you hungry?”

She nods. “Starving.”

I pull into the next roadhouse we pass and find a spot to park. It’s pretty busy, which means it’s the only one for miles, or the food must be okay. We walk inside and sit down, picking up a menu that sits tucked behind the napkin dispenser. A waitress walks over, pen poised. She smiles at Becca, then at me.

“You first,” I say, even though I already know what I’m having.

“Can I have the double smoked bacon burger, with onion rings, and a chocolate shake, thanks.”

She looks up when I start chuckling and narrows her eyes at me.

“What’s so funny?”

“You stole my order.” I grin.

“So, two, then?” the waitress asks.

I nod. “I’ll have extra cheese, thanks.”

“Yeah, you look like a guy who likes his cheese,” Becca teases.

I smirk and let her comment slide, or I’ll end up saying something I can’t take back.

The waitress returns with our meals in record time. I’m impressed—until she places them in front of us. I smother another laugh as I stare at my poor excuse for a burger. Once she’s gone, I peel off the top of the stale bun and examine the limp lettuce. I pick up the hockey puck they’re trying to pass as a burger.

“What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?” I mutter.

Becca giggles and pushes her plate away.

“Yeah, I’m not even going to try.”

“I’m almost one hundred percent certain that this was made for someone else, three days ago.”

I pick at my onion rings, which are almost edible, but then I give up on them too. I look around, smirking when I recognize the song that just came on the radio. I study Becca, waiting for her reaction, but it doesn’t come. What the—

She doesn’t remember that either.

I laugh, then cover my tracks by letting loose a loud, hacking cough. Becca eyes me suspiciously.

“That’s my trick. What are you trying to hide?”

“Nothing.” But I can’t even say it with a straight face.

“Come on,” she coaxes. “Something made you giggle-cough. You’re going to tell me eventually.”

Giggle-cough?” I repeat, making a face. “I’m a thirty-seven-year-old man. I do not giggle-cough.”

She gives me a hard stare, showing no indication of backing down.

“Fine.” I sit back and smirk at her. “I laughed when I remembered the last time I heard this song.”

“Okay…” She sounds disappointed. I chuckle and comb my hand through my hair. “It was very recent, and I was harder than this burger.” I bounce it on the table and then laugh at the way she’s gawking at me. I can’t believe I said that either.

“Well, that was more information than I was expecting. Care to elaborate?”

“Are you sure you want me to?” I tease. “The night of the bachelor party? The private room and my own personal little show? None of this is resonating with you?”

I pause and breathe out, because just thinking about her like that has me hard.

“This song that’s on? It started playing the moment you climbed onto my lap and started dancing for me.”

“I didn’t. Oh God I did. So did we…” Her voice trails off as she looks away, embarrassed.

I wanted something to happen so bad…she was so relaxed and flirty, like she wanted me as much as I wanted her, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t take advantage of her like that, because I had no way of knowing how much she’d had to drink. The last thing I wanted was to end up being something she regretted.

“No. We didn’t.”

“Thank God.” She whispers the words, then cradles her face in her hands.

“I stopped you before it went any further than a kiss.”

“I’m so sorry,” she mumbles, her cheeks reddening.

“Don’t be sorry. I wasn’t complaining too hard.” I chuckle and throw her a sideways look. “Well, until you tried to suck on my nipple.”

“What?” she gasps, her eyes wide. “Tell me you’re joking.”

“Sorry, that part is true.” I chuckle at her expression. “Trust me, I wish as much as do you that I was making that up.”

“Well, thank you for stopping things from going too far. That was incredibly chivalrous of you.” She stares out of the window and then turns to me. “I can’t believe I acted that way. I’m so embarrassed.”

“So you had a big night. It happens. Jake did too, come to think of it,” I say with a chuckle.

“Really? I wouldn’t know, since I’m still banned from speaking to him.” She rants the words and leans back against the headrest. “What did he do?”

“There was one point in the evening where Jake was completely naked and riding Garry around the stage, with a crowd full of guys cheering them on.” It’s hard not to laugh while telling this story. “They were going crazy for it, like it was the funniest thing they’d ever seen.”