We only lived a few streets away from each other as kids, so he was always following me and my friends around. I took him under my wing and looked out for him a lot, especially after his father died. Over the next few years, we were like brothers. He leaned on me and I guess I did the same, using him as a distraction from my own problems at home.

Things changed when I went away for college. We lost contact. It was only a couple of months ago at our cousin’s wedding that we ran into each other again. Seeing him all grown up made me realize how much I’d missed. In a weird way, I felt like I had let him down by not trying harder to keep in touch.


I chuckle as two of Jake’s friends push between us and steer us over to the lounges. They push Jake down in an armchair and cheer as a stripper climbs into his lap. She dances against him, rubbing her body against his. I let out a laugh, because Jake looks so damn uncomfortable that it’s just too painful to watch.

Looking around the club, I spot Becca back over by the bar, so I get to my feet and head over there to join her. She drinks down a shot, before nodding at the barmaid to fill her up again. Something stirs inside me as my eyes roam over her petite frame. She looks so sexy in that short, black dress, and the way it keeps riding up her thighs.


I take in her long dark hair and the way it hangs in loose waves around her shoulders. Even in a room full of half-naked women, it’s Becca who I can’t take my eyes off. I curse myself for thinking about things I know shouldn’t be entering my head.

She looks up and catches me watching her. Her green eyes meet mine and narrow slightly. I shrug and point to the seat next to her. She studies me for a moment, before relenting.

“Fine. Sit down, then,” she says. “Shouldn’t you be grading exams, or something?”

“Shouldn’t you be studying for the test on Monday?” I chuckle in response. “Wait—you probably didn’t hear me announce that test since you were too busy discussing with Amy whether you could make out the outline of my coc—”

“Last time I checked I had the second highest average in the entire year,” she cuts in. She gives me a cool stare, but I can see the amusement hiding in there too. “I guess some of us just don’t need to study.”

“Which is something you’d only know if you abused your position in the administration to look that up,” I say. She flushes as I wink at her. “I won’t tell if you don’t.”

“Good,” she mutters, staring down at her glass. “I’m in enough trouble with that stupid job as it is.”

“Yeah, I was surprised emailing out the university president’s personal email to the whole alumni didn’t get you fired.” I chuckle. “Because that was some pretty entertaining reading. Or are you referring to wiping the entire mid-year results from the system and deleting the backup? Wait a minute, that’s how it happened, isn’t it? You were seeing where you stood academically, weren’t you?” I tease her.

“Neither of those were intentional,” she replies in a frosty voice. “I told them when they insisted on placing me in there that it was at their own risk. I’m the first to admit I suck at technology.”

“Which makes me wonder what else you suck at?”

Did I just say that out loud?

“Thanks for abandoning me back there.”

I jerk my head around as Jake slaps me on the back.

“Though I think I’m beginning to understand why…Better offer, maybe?” He raises his eyebrows at me and then sits down next to Becca, who whacks him across the stomach. “What was that for?” Jake gasps.

“For being a dick.”

He shakes his head. “And to think I came over here to buy you both a drink.”

“It’s an open bar,” Becca reminds him.

“Even better,” Jake grins.

“Not for me. I drove here.” I glance down at my still full beer that sits on the bar, then back at him. “This has to last me all night.”

“You drove? Why the hell would you do that to yourself?” he asks, a confused look on his face.

“To stop myself from drinking too much when I know that I need to spend all day tomorrow marking exams?”

He takes the bottle off me and shakes his head.

“No. You’re catching a cab home. I insist. Tonight calls for a celebration.” He turns to the barmaid, managing to keep his eyes on her face. “Two scotches. Straight up.” He winks at me. “For pops.”

I sigh, because I can’t say no to that.

“Where’s my drink?” Becca scowls at Jake.