I lift my hand to knock on his door, but I stop when my phone vibrates in my hand. I glance down and smile, because it’s him. I shove my phone back in my pocket and pound on the door. I’m still not sure what I’m going to say to him. The door swings open. He studies my expression, as though he’s trying to figure out whether it’s good or bad news.

“I just tried calling you,” he grins.

“I know.”

“Ignoring me again?”

“What do you mean?” I frown, confused.

“Nothing. The other day, I saw you, but you were too far away. I called you and you ignored me.”

“Because my pager went off at the same time. I had to get back inside.”

“Well now I feel silly.” He studies my face and frowns. “You didn’t get it, did you?”

He wraps his arms around me and leads me inside, not giving me the chance to correct him.

“It’s okay, they’re will be other opportunities like this,” he soothes me.

I look around. “Where is Allie?”

“Abby’s taken her out for the day. She wanted to give me time to think.”

“And?” I ask him.

He shrugs. We walk over to the couch and sit down. I fall into his arms, loving the feel of him holding me. I rest my head against his chest and close my eyes, the sound of his heartbeat comforting me.

“I don’t know what the right thing to do is,” he admits. “Abby is happy for her to live over there with her and maybe that’s best. For now, at least, until she gets to know me better? It would be such a huge change to uproot her from her life and move over here…” He shakes his head. “As much as I want her here with me, I can’t do that to her.”

He rubs his forehead and sighs.

“You could move over there and get to know her?” I suggest. He frowns down at me. “But you won’t do that because of me,” I say, answering my own suggestion.

He wraps his arms around me again, holding me against him.

“You want to hear something funny? I was so sure you’d gotten that project, nearly the whole time you were gone, I was here, fantasizing about moving over to London for the six months. I figured it all out. I could visit you on weekends and get to know my daughter through the week. It would’ve worked out perfectly.”

I pull away and look him in the eyes, a smile slowly creeping across my face. He looks at me strangely, but then he catches on.

“You got it, didn’t you?” He kisses me. “Why didn’t you tell me? You could’ve saved me a whole lot of stress.”

“I was trying to figure out how we could make this work. How was I supposed to know that you had it all planned out?” I take his hand in mine. For the first time, I let myself really feel excited about everything.

This could really work.


“So, let me get this straight.”

Matt stares at me and then turns his attention to Luke.

“You’re both moving?”

He frowns, while Mom shakes her head, tears in her eyes. Poor Becca stands in front of them, looking like she might pass out. We’re at Matt and Annie’s place, after inviting everyone over here for a last minute, Friday night drink to share our news. So far, the reactions have been less excited and more stunned than I’d been hoping for. I know they’re all probably just in shock, but as I look around the room at the stunned faces, I’m becoming more and more unsure about this decision.

“Guys, it’s six months. Quit acting like you’re never going to see us again.”

Becca steps forward. She beams at me and throws her arms around me. I smile, because that is exactly what I needed.

“What am I going to do without you for six freaking months?” she wails. I laugh and hug her back. “You’ll keep yourself busy. You can borrow Iris if you like,” I tease.

“I might just do that,” she mutters. “Can I borrow your apartment too?” she asks hopefully. She laughs as I swat her across the arm. “But seriously, you guys. I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks.” I grin.

“I’m happy too, but I only just got you back after college,” Mom protests. “Sorry if I’m not thrilled that you’re moving away again.”

“It’s only for six months,” I say, my voice weak. “You all could always come visit.”

“On a plane?” Matt gapes at me. “With this thing?” he nods at Elina, who as if on cue, starts wailing. I walk over, scooping her up in my arms, which makes her abruptly stop crying. “I had you down for babysitting duties every Saturday night for the next six months,” he jokes.

“I’m pretty sure you’ll manage,” I tease.

“Have you met me?” Matt mutters. He glares at Luke. “And you’re going to live in London?”