“What?” I sit up, my heart pounding. “Iris? Is she okay?”

“She slipped and broke her hip. She’s stable, but she’s asking for you.”

“I’m on my way now. Thanks.”

I scramble to my feet and get dressed, then I grab my keys and sprint out the door. The hospital is literally a few hundred steps down the road. It would take longer for me to get my car out and drive there than it would to go on foot. So I run.

Two minutes later, I’m regretting it, but I work through the pain, ignoring the burning in my chest as I cross the road and head toward the emergency entrance. I had no idea I was so unfit, I mentally yell at myself and make an empty promise to start exercising again.

The guilt is killing me. I’ve been neglecting her. Every day, I’ve been meaning to go over there, but something always came up. What if she was lying there for with a broken hip for days and I never knew? I curse myself, because I’ll never forgive myself if that happened. I was too caught up in my own problems.

I’m out of breath by the time I reach the information desk. I get her room details and then take the elevator up to her floor, before staggering into her room. I sink down into the chair next to the bed, panting and gasping for air as I try to gather my composure. Iris frowns at me.

“Should I get out of the bed so you can have it?”

I chuckle. “I’m sorry. I ran here,” I say, my heart pounding.

“Why on earth would you do that? You’ve got a car. Use it.”

I shake my head and laugh, because she can’t be too sick with all these insults flying out at me.

“How are you feeling?” I finally ask.

“I’m fine, apart from this silly hip. That and they don’t even have a TV in here,” she grumbles. She tsks in disgust.

“They do. Up there,” I say, nodding up to the small screen hanging from the ceiling.

“That tiny thing is smaller than my phone screen,” she retorts. “I’d rather not watch anything.”

I laugh, because I think the real problem is they don’t have cable.

“Then hurry up and get better so you can go home and get back to your bachelor 2013,” I tease her.

“What? They don’t age,” she says frowning at me. “It’s like a fine wine.”

“A fine whine, you mean. Have you heard half those women talk?” My joke goes right over her head.

“Where have you been, anyway?” she asks, nodding at me.

“I’m sorry. Work has been full-on—”

“It’s that man I see disappearing into your apartment every day, isn’t it?” she cuts in.

“He’s my brother’s friend.” I laugh. God, she’s nosy. “He’s staying with me for a little while. Well, he was.”

“Bull dust. I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”

“What do you do, stand at your door and peer through the peephole?” She opens her mouth to protest, but then snaps it shut. “That’s exactly what you do,” I say with a laugh.

“Well, what else am I going to do with my time? I’m just looking out for you. I like to make sure you’re being looked after. So, does he cook? Work?” she asks with a frown.

I giggle to myself. “Yes, he cooks and he’s a doctor.”

“Good, then. He’s a keeper.”

I cover my face with my hands, because all I can do is laugh.

“I better go and let you get some rest,” I say. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“I’m fine. I am worried about Milton, though.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll look after him.”

“Thanks, darling,” she says as I lean over to kiss her. “He likes you more than he does me, you know.”

“I know.” I grin.I use Iris’ spare key to let myself into her apartment. Milton scrambles over to me, meowing wildly around my feet. I lean down to pet him. He purrs like a maniac and tries to jump into my arms.

“I can’t leave you here,” I tell him, feeling sorry for the poor little guy.

So, I pack up his things and take him back to my apartment.

After I set up an area for Milton, I go to bed, where I quickly learn Milton thinks he’s sleeping too. I relent and let him stay. It’s too early to go sleep, but I lie down anyway, still fully clothed. I snuggle into the warmth of my bed while I listen to Milton purring. I wipe away tears as Milton meows around my face, trying to lick me. I giggle, because it’s like he’s trying to cheer me up.

Maybe a thousand cats wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all…

The sound of the front door unlocking startles me. My heart races as I push back the covers and stand up. I walk into the living room, shocked to find Luke standing there.