After this, I don’t think I’ll ever want to orgasm again.

Of course, I know I’ll stop thinking that the moment this is over. It’s like gorging yourself with Easter eggs to the point where you’re physically sick. You swear off chocolate for life, and it lasts for two hours. Or maybe that’s just me.

“There we are,” he says as I sit down in the chair. I nod, my heart racing as I lower my head. “Let’s get you inside now, hey?”

He hasn’t asked what the problem is, which makes me wonder how much Becca told him. Usually orderlies talk your ear off, asking you all sorts of invasive questions. Not this guy, though. This guy is even avoiding eye contact.

He wheels me into a cubicle and helps me onto the bed. I clutch his arm as the movement triggers another orgasm. They’re getting shorter now, which is good, but it’s just constant pain. All I can think is how I’m on my knees, clutching some strange man’s arm, while he supports me through an orgasm. When he starts trying to soothe me like he’s comforting a crying baby, I nearly lose it—in more ways than one.

“You’re okay. We’ll get you checked out and get this pain under control,” he assures me.

I nearly faint with relief. Pain. He thinks I’m in pain.

Oh, thank God for that.

Rolling myself over, I lie back on the bed and smile, my heart pounding erratically in my chest. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing, trying to slow down my heart rate. I find the best position is to lie flat on my back with my legs slightly parted. The less I move, the easier it is to handle, even though there’s no relief from the constant discomfort.

I listen to Becca thanking the orderly for his help. I wait until he’s gone before I crack open my eyes to see Becca leaning over my face. Her eyes are laced with concern.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers. Her usually bright eyes are laced with worry as she clutches my hand. “He insisted on helping when I asked for the chair. I told him you had an exploding cyst.”

I laugh at that and even manage a smile.

“It’s fine.”

She touches my forehead and frowns. “You’re sweating bucket loads, Loz. Maybe I should go and find—”

“Please don’t,” I say grabbing onto her arm. “I want to avoid talking about this for as long as I can.” I glance at her, a horrible thought suddenly hitting me. “Actually, can you request a female doctor for me?” I ask. “I don’t think I can handle telling this story to a male.”

Especially if he’s young and even remotely attractive.

“I’ll see what I can do,” she promises.

She walks out, leaving me alone as another orgasm hits. I’m exhausted as I cry out, my hands grabbing hold of the sides of the bed I’m lying on. I groan, my back arching as my body starts to tremble. Finally, it subsides, leaving me breathless and nearing my limit. I wipe my eyes because I’m not sure how much more of this I can handle.

What if they never stop?

“Laura Black.”

My head whips around. I stare at the deliciously sexy doctor standing in front of me, staring down at a clipboard. I want to die. My breathing shallows as panic takes over.

Oh God, no.

This guy is perfect in every way. From his well-defined muscles that are peeking out of his scrubs, to his messy, but stylish dark hair, right down to those dreamy, chestnut colored eyes… He looks like a freaking model, and he’s definitely not someone I want to discuss this with.

Where the hell is Becca with my female doctor?

“Hi. I’m Doctor Dillon, one of the resident doctors here.” He smiles warmly at me, but I don’t smile back. I’m in too much shock to do anything other than gawk at him like an idiot. He glances down at his clipboard and then back at me. “So, you have an exploding cyst. How bad is the pain, on a scale of one to ten right now?” he asks. “And have you had cysts in the past?” he adds, flicking through his notes.

His brow furrows when I don’t answer either question. He steps closer to the bed. I jump, causing my body to react in the one way I don’t want it to in front of him. I blink back tears, squirming as I squeeze my thighs closed while doing my best to ignore him as he looks at me in surprise.

“I can’t talk to you. I need a female doctor,” I puff, my face flaming.

“I totally get that, Laura. I’m more than happy to request that for you, but we’re severely understaffed tonight so you might be waiting a while.” He clears his throat. “I can assure you I’m very professional. I take the safety and privacy of my patients very seriously, and I’ll do everything I can to make sure you’re comfortable.”